I'm building a component library to sit alongside some react apps within a monorepo, library is currently being consumed by app1 and displaying components expor
I want to change the background color (shade it a bit dark) when a certain commonly occuring keyword (for example, logger or monitor) occurs in the line. The id
I have 2 themes, dark mode and light mode: import { styled, alpha, ThemeProvider, createTheme } from '@mui/material/styles'; //I use the dark theme only const
I created a button that changes the color of the application. In the main screen it works totally fine, however it does not change the color of the theme in the
I would like to learn how can I change the textStyle of inlay hints in VSCode. I made a search and I was only able to find how to change its color, but sadly I
So, I'm trying to customize my wpf app a bit, but thought I would be better to leave the title bar as it is and not do a custom title bar. Problem is, the title
I made a theme for SOGo (https://github.com/inverse-inc/sogo/) everything works except md-dialog and md-card Does anyone know why the background color doesn't a
I need help using material ui custom theme. It get Error in style components. I have already installed the following: npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @
I am am building a teams app, I want to set the teams theme using fluent theme, what are the exact values for theme in theme provider, Can i use fluentui/Norths
I want to add dynamic themes to my php website which will be stored from the user's database and next time when user uses the website that theme should be shown
I just installed the Flatsome theme on my SSL protected site. I was going to use the UX builder to edit the pages but it was not loaded what should I do? Some s
Like the screenshot from wordpress how to do that in Blogspot.
I want to users can change and save the theme color in my app. However, I have no ideas how to load the saved theme color when the app starts running. For examp
I use all my development tools in the dark theme except Sourcetree. It has no option in its configuration to change theme. Is there any other way to change for
I want a Button that allows me to switch between Dark/Light-mode. But I have the problem If I switch, the active windows will not change their Style. First of t
I would like to change the css feel of my datatable. I am currently using jquerydatatables.css and jquery-ui.css. Is there any free download of datatable css?
I'm using the Avada Wordpress theme and have installed the Cafe Site Demo Content. I went into Appearance > Theme Options > Logo and uploaded my image lo
Hello I downloaded the Android ADT (Eclipse) I have found this theme: https://github.com/rogerdudler/eclipse-ui-themes The instructions provided are as follow
I can't seem to get this feature to activate. I have my config.inc.php file set with the following line: $cfg['Console']['DarkTheme'] = true; More info here: h
I'm getting this error when I try to use the gulp build command: [09:08:11] Starting 'build:compile-css'... Deprecation Warning: Using / for division outside of