Category "google-kubernetes-engine"

Calico Cloud - Egress domain network policy issue

I am trying to configure egress traffic using domains via Calico Cloud. I am aware that DNS feature is possible with paid Calico Enterprise or Calico Cloud as m

HPA Scaling even though Current CPU is below Target CPU

I am playing around with the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler in Kubernetes. I've set the HPA to start up new instances once the average CPU Utilization passes 35%. Ho

How to use dynamic/variable image tag in a Kubernetes deployment?

In our project, which also uses Kustomize, our base deployment.yaml file looks like this: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nginx-deploymen

Kubernetes - How do I prevent duplication of work when there are multiple replicas of a service with a watcher?

I'm trying to build an event exporter as a toy project. It has a watcher that gets informed by the Kubernetes API every time an event, and as a simple case, let

GKE BackendConfig not working with customRequestHeaders

I have a nodejs application running on Google Kubernetes Engine (v1.20.8-gke.900) I want to add custom header to get client's Region and lat long so I refer to

GKE Ingress configuration for HTTPS-enabled Applications leads to failed_to_connect_to_backend

I have serious problems with the configuration of Ingress on a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster for an application which expects traffic over TLS. I have config

cloud-build + gke-deploy app name or label are ignored

I have this config on a cloudbuild.yaml file: - name: '' args: - run - --app=doc-io - --namespace=frontend - --cluster=c

How to integrate GCP CDN with GKE NGINX ingress

We are using NGINX ingress in our GKE setup, which means that GCP is using TCP load balancer to route the traffic to Kubernetes NGINX ingress. We serve static c

Cannot install NVIDIA GPU driver 470.82.01 on the on Google Kubernetes Engine 1.21

I would like to run GPU nodes in a GKE cluster, that requires an installation DaemonSet. According to

GKE Cluster Audit

What are the points to be reviewed while auditing a GKE cluster? We have a production cluster and I would like to what all points need to be reviewed while audi

Why in GKE (Private Cluster) the destination only sees Pod IP instead of Node IP

I'm still learning GKE and I have set up a private cluster. The problem I have is that when I send traffic outside the cluster from a Pod (usually by sending an

Inject cronjob once namespace created

This mainly for GKE cluster with preemptible nodes. Google Cloud would shutdown any node without warning, which leaves lots of pods with Terminated and / or Nod

GitLab CI in GKE private cluster can't connect to master

So far we have been using GKE public cluster for all our workloads. We have created a second, private cluster (still GKE) with improved security and availabilit

Unable to connect Zookeeper in gke cluster

I am getting the below error while deploying the Apache Zookeeper bitnami charts Unable to connect Zookeeper To connect to your ZooKeeper server run the followi

cannot deploy Cassandra using k8ssandra

I am using the following chart to deploy a Cassandra cluster to my gke cluster. However, the s

GKE migrate pv to a new cluster whithin the same GCloud project

I would like to move existing PVCs/PVs to a new GKE cluster in the same Google project. Can someone give me a hint how to do this? Thanks in advance!

Can you use C# Kubernetes inClusterConfig for a remote Cluster?

I am having trouble authenticating my C# service for a remote cluster. Trying to use my svc gets Forbidden, so I am hoping to work around with this. I know that

GKE: Does each Node have her own external public IP?

I want to pull data from a crypto exchange API. For that I would run my code in GKE. The API is limited at 20 requests per second. But if I would run my program

Is anyone else experiencing issues using Cloud Tools for Visual Studio to deploy GKE workloads?

For the past week we are seeing the error "Could not determine if the selected GCP project is ready for deployment, please close the dialog and try again", imag

Traefik on Kubernetes (GCE/GKE) behind GCE Load Balancer

I've implemented Traefik on Kubernetes following the User Guide. That gives me an ingress-controller and I was able to create an ingress and the traefik-ingress