Category "google-kubernetes-engine"

Why I can't see pause containers in GKE containerd CRI?

I am using a GKE cluster with Ubuntu nodes & containerd as CRI. I am not able to see any pause containers the way we used to see in docker. Are they no more

Required value: must specify a volume type when statically provisioning PV

Trying to statically provision a PV with GCP SSD storage. Errors out with the following message: The PersistentVolume "monitoring" is invalid: spec: Required v

GKE stuck at autorepairing and not able to add the nodepools

Recently I faced an issue in my Kubernetes cluster on GCP, From all services which is running in the my cluster, one of the service used the node memory out of

Kubectl create multiline secret

I'm trying to put a Service Account into a secret - I did it previously a year ago and it works but now - no matter how I approach it, the application doesn't s

Can we see transfer progress with kubectl cp?

Is it possible to know the progress of file transfer with kubectl cp for Google Cloud?

Google Managed SSL Certificate Stuck on FAILED_NOT_VISIBLE

I'm trying to configure an HTTPS/Layer 7 Load Balancer with GKE. I'm following SSL certificates overview and GKE Ingress for HTTP(S) Load Balancing. My config.

How to ensure every kubernetes node running 2 or more pods?

I know that DaemonSets ensure only one pod running in every node. I know that ReplicaSets ensure the number of pod replicas defined are running but doesn't ensu

How to deploy container using docker-compose to google cloud?

i'm quite new to GCP and been using mostly AWS. I am currently trying to play around with GCP and want to deploy a container using docker-compose. I set up a

`docker-credential-gcloud` not in system PATH

After the latest updates to gcloud and docker I'm unable to access images on my google container repository. Locally when I run: gcloud auth configure-docker a

How do I get logs from all pods of a Kubernetes replication controller?

Running kubectl logs shows me the stderr/stdout of one Kubernetes container. How can I get the aggregated stderr/stdout of a set of pods, preferably those cr

How to create more than one cluster in minikube

I need to create additional cluster in minikube. I searched for a while I haven't got any resource on this.How to create a cluster in minikube?

Why a pod can't connect to on-premise network

I'm setting up a Kubernetes engine (cluster-version: "1.11") on GCP with Kubeflow installation script that deploy on "default" network and I setting up a Google

cert-manager HTTP01 certificate challenge is inaccessible when rewrite-target is enabled

We have a dozen of services exposed using a ingress-nginx controller in GKE. In order to route the traffic correctly on the same domain name, we need to use a r

kubectl exec/logs on GKE returns "remote error: tls: internal error"

I'm currently getting errors when trying to exec or get logs for my pods on my GKE cluster. $ kubectl logs <POD-NAME> Error from server: Get "https://<

GKE metrics comparsion

Does anyone know how can I compare my query result to some value? For example, I have such query: fetch k8s_container | { metric '

Issuing certificate as Secret does not exist

Below is the describe output for both my clusterissuer and certificate reource. I am brand new to cert-manager so not 100% sure this is set up properly - we nee

Kubernetes: Exclude Node from default scheduling

Is it possible to create a node-pool that the scheduler will ignore by default but that can be targeted by node-selector?

Kubernetes cluster default timezone?

I had a question about the timezone used by my Kubernetes Cluster. I know I can adjust the timezone of the pods( Howe

Volume not persistent in Google Cloud

I'm trying to build a mysql pod on Google Cloud. However, when I create a database and then restart the pod, the database that I created is not persisted. I fol

Deploying a Keycloak HA cluster to kubernetes | Pods are not discovering each other

I'm trying to deploy a HA Keycloak cluster (2 nodes) on Kubernetes (GKE). So far the cluster nodes (pods) are failing to discover each other in all the cases as