I have TypeScript tests running with Yarn and Mocha and they work fine locally. When I deploy via CircleCI, however, I get this: 1) Uncaught error outside test
I have been using React Native for a while but figured I would try out React on the web. So I followed this guide: https://reactjs.org/docs/create-a-new-react-a
I've worked with React project, integrated with Circle CI and after some minor changes, it started to fail all builds with Its instance type 'ReactApexChart' is
The link below doesn't answer my question Issue reinstalling yarn - code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' I get an error trying to run yarn on it's own or with a command
I'm migrating from yarn 1.xx to yarn 3 and I'm currently having a workspaces definition with nohoist configuration in my package.json: "workspaces": { "pa
So , when I'm trying to create a new Next.js app using npx create-next-app@latest todo-app command , I get this following error while It's being installed : "e
I have a maven application which uses ReactJS for the front-end and it is using ansi-html:0.0.7 currently. This led to vulnerability alert by GitHub dependabot
In the next version of yarn ("berry") the manual states that one should just commit the directory created called .yarn, but if you use the multi-version setup f
I have a react app with deprecated dependencies. To make it work, I have to update the dependencies to their newer (but stable) versions. As per this stakoverfl
When I run my Vue app, the Vue devtools extension detects Vue.js, but complains: Devtools inspection is not available because it's in production mode or explic
node.js version: 16.14.0 yarn version: 3.1.1 macOS: 11.6.4 (Big Sur) I set up and continue to work on a yarn workspace project. I committed all files including
Our team decides to use yarn berry on our project, and one in my team initialize project. So I cloned the project on my local and run "yarn start" in terminal B
I'm trying to add a library as a dependency to a project. This library is setup in a fairly peculiar way, with this file structure package.json library/ pac
I am using GitHub Actions to build my TypeScript project. Everytime I run action I am waiting 3 minutes for all dependencies to get installed. Is there way to
After running npm install --global yarn, I get an output that says: > [email protected] preinstall C:\Users\(me)\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\yarn > :; (no
This might be a stupid question since it seems pretty simple, but I can't get my nuxt project to run on my IP address. The Nuxt.js docs say that I have to put t
When I tried install vue store front in my local but when I tried "yarn install" command I get following error. How can I solve this error? How can I solve this
I have a rails app, I deleted yarn.lock (due to some complicated errors), but I would like to regenerate it. I tried yarn install -std:c++latest and yarn instal
Receiving an error when attempting to start node (next.js) app via yarn and pm2. My google fu didn't turn up anything useful. I suspect the issue is with nvm, t
I have been trying to make this React App, but when I try to do yarn start it shows the following error message: yarn run v1.22.17 $ react-scripts start node:in