Category "google-play-services"

Google Play (Issue: Inaccurate Target Audience)

See This Google Play Mail:- Issue: Inaccurate Target Audience We determined that your app and store listing contain elements that appeal primarily to chil

Flutter Firebase and Android issue - unable to initialise. Cannot find google-services.json with latest (sept 2020) migration instructions executed

I'm a Flutter developer and for the past two days I have been trying to get my app working for Android. It's quite a big app with a lot of different functionali

Execution failed for task ':app:mapDebugSourceSetPaths'. > Error while evaluating property 'extraGeneratedResDir' of task

I've checked this answer: It tells us to remove this line apply plugin: '' Removing

Google play games pop up connection message not showing

Hello I have a game application that use Google play games services with the V2 Sdk, the problem is that the user is automatically connected through the games s

Failed to bind to the service

On the app launch, I need to check whether a new version is available on play store or not. To check I have implemented below code in Splash screen. private vo

Android Studio's project gradle file changed?

I just updated Android Studio and started a new project. But now the project grade file seems different. Here are the lines: plugins { id '

Play Store updates/installs app using a different account than the one the user made IAP through

On this bug report on Github we were asked to raise the issue here. The is

Google Play Console Package Name

I have one application of Trivia, the package name is, there are all things for play one player, I have add a new feature is a multi-player opti