Category "google-sheets"

How do I count the number of filled-in rows of a sheet based on the contents of a column?

Disclaimer: I am completely self-taught in google sheets I have a sheet with columns for Date, Place, Title, etc. I am attempting to count how many rows have al

How to get the current price of a cryptocurrency on google sheets from coinmarketcap?

On a google sheets cell I want to get only the current cryptocurrency price with this formula: =ValueCrypto(A1) I tried this function for coinmarketcap: functi

Automatically protect / un-protect sheets or ranges when value is change from another source (google sheets)

There is a case where test is given to a certain student. The student can only work with the answer for the test before a given period. Here is the sample case:

Google Sheets Formula Sometimes does not work with Merged Cells

So I have created an invoice spreadsheet in Google Sheets and have used merged cells extensively in order to create a cleaner look for the invoice. Here is the

Google Sheets Formula Sometimes does not work with Merged Cells

So I have created an invoice spreadsheet in Google Sheets and have used merged cells extensively in order to create a cleaner look for the invoice. Here is the

Google Sheets: Copy and Paste from one sheet to another based on checkbox

I posted a question a few weeks ago stating I'm a sort of a newbie at all of this and I am trying to learn. I am trying to write some script for a spreadsheet I

Google Sheets: Copy and Paste from one sheet to another based on checkbox

I posted a question a few weeks ago stating I'm a sort of a newbie at all of this and I am trying to learn. I am trying to write some script for a spreadsheet I

Get Cell Value From Another Sheet USING ADDRESS and MATCH

I have here a condition/function. I'm not really experienced in Google Sheets. =ADDRESS(MATCH(B32,Diana!B:B,0),1) Now, Diana is another worksheet. The result f

How to run google app script at exact time?

Currently, I want to run my google app script at exact time. I have already do some reading about this problem and I decide to follow the solution in this post

Do not retrieve query if empty output

In this sheet I'm working on, I'd like only the applicable data to show on the Teacher1Results tab, not the #N/A for empty output. Secondly, is it possible to m

Newbie - need script to remove duplicates based on multiple criteria

So I'm super new to Google Sheets - as I mostly use Excel and Smartsheet. I was trying to accomplish this by just recording a macro, so this is VERY messy. I ha

Get the email address of a "people chip"?

Does anyone know if there is a way to use the Google Sheets API to get the email address of a people chip? It seems like the only values it will give me are the

There is a way to set the pdf size in the following script?

How do I set the pdf size as A4 in the following script? Also, is it possible to fit the sheet into a single pdf page? function sendSheet() { var message = {

Google Sheets keeps sending emails

Been building a landing page to start an email list. Decided to use Google Sheets as the backend to store emails & Google Scripts to send the first welcome

Mail merge with different attachments

Please guide me. For how to fix the script to different attachments. In other parts of script is perfected. I want to solution for attachments. See code here

REGEXEXTRACT between strings but only display numbers in Google Sheets [closed]

I have a Google Sheets formula below, which extracts the contents between a multi line string: =REGEXEXTRACT(A2, "(?ms)mystring1(.*)mystring2"

Google Sheets SUM() does not return zero, but an extremely small number instead?

I have a Google Sheet with the following values: 12.4840 -8.1870 -0.9630 -3.3210 3.4550 0.3140 3.3470 -7.1290 If I SUM() these, the expected result

what is the google sheets importData timeout

I can't seem to find any documentation on what the timeout is for the =ImportData function for google sheets. I have a url that return in 10 seconds and it wor

what is the google sheets importData timeout

I can't seem to find any documentation on what the timeout is for the =ImportData function for google sheets. I have a url that return in 10 seconds and it wor

Sort/Order query result based on calculated fields

I have a list of transactions in Transactions tab and in Summary I would like to summarize by tickers the performance. I am using query for grouping the data an