Category "flutter-state"

How to load initial state data from sqlite database when Flutter app open

I'm making a simple Notepad app using flutter. I want to load already saved data from the SQLite database and initialize the state when the app opens. I tried w

Best practices to change app state from a package

I'm developing a standalone package which is currently inside an app like this: app/packages/my_package I created the package with the create command package te

StatefulWidgets in ReorderableListView don't keep their state when reordering the list

Here I have a trimmed down page which creates a ReorderableListView, which has its body set to two RecipeStepWidgets with UniqueKeys set (I've also tried this w

"Minimizing" the current screen in Flutter

I'm building an app where I ping some data in my screen with the StreamBuilder (time, location, etc.), now I want to make an option for the user to leave the cu