I'm trying to add a subrouter to my router code : router := mux.NewRouter() baseRouter := router.PathPrefix("/api/v1").Subrouter() managementRouter := baseRoute
I have cookies set as secure, but it's working as localhost. But with the domain name set in the hosts file, chrome is not sending the cookies to server resulte
I have a Gorilla Mux router setup inside a function that returns *mux.Router, goes like this func MakeApp(services service.Service, pe PolicyEnforce) *mux.Route
I have a Gorilla Mux router setup inside a function that returns *mux.Router, goes like this func MakeApp(services service.Service, pe PolicyEnforce) *mux.Route
Here is my python code (client side) : import requests import json import datetime headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json',"Authorization":"Bearer MYRE