Category "listview"

SwiftUI: How do you implement List + ForEach loop for child elements (shown in a disclosure group)?

Currently, my app uses only a list view to display folders (as seen below). All of the tutorials online suggest that for dynamic content (In my case, an array o

Modify textview of parent layout from adapter xamarin android

Sorry, I'm using google translate. Hello, I am developing an application in xamarin android with visual studio 2017 to take requests where I send information fr

Flutter: unexpected space at the top of ListView

I have the following source code: @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body: CustomScrollView( controller: scrollControll

Handle MouseMove, MouseDown, MouseUp Events in a ListView to drag a borderless Form

I'm using MouseMove, MouseUp, MouseDown events to move a borderless form (as found here as an example). It works great, but for a ListView, it only works if I c

How to move a ListViewItem part of a Group in place of another ListViewItem using the same ListView?

Below I'm trying to move item4 in place of item5, the action I expected was for item 4 to be on top of item5 and item5 under item4: Below I'm trying to move it

Scroll listener doesn't work for listview inside a SingleChildScrollView Flutter

I'm currently working on a project which requires a listview as a child of ScrollView. I added a scroll controller in the listview and a scroll listener in the

Mousehover in listview VBA

i want to select the listitem by hovering the mouse not by clicking.. how to achieve in vba.. i saw a code in a forum using Private Sub ListView1_MouseMo

How to save QR Scan details to listview using flutter?

I am currently building a QR Scanner App using flutter.  There I want to know how to scan a QR Code and save it permanently(using shared preferences) with

Search Listview using Textbox in C# from SQL Database

I use followng code in VB.Net to search data in listview using TextBox. This code was VB.NET i have changed this to C# according to my understanding as i am new

ListView not displaying item with BLoC pattern

I'm a flutter beginner and I'm currently working on an app that let me take a photo and then update a ListView to display the photo with a little text descripti

Is it possible to disable reordering a single item in a reorderable listview in flutter?

I am trying to create a ListView that meets the following criteria: The items in the ListView are categorized into sections with headers for each section The it

Flutter: animate item removal in ListView

I am building a ListView from a Stream. I need to animate deletions and insertions to that list, but have no idea how. I have seen this sample by Flutter but i

Icons not showing in Image View

I am trying to show the items into Recycler View in Grid Layout Manager. My list item xml file is <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLay

ListView and Expanded not work in flutter

I need help to solve this problem. The expanded renders the child but does not expand. return Scaffold( body: ListView( children: [ _HomeBody(chil

Flutter: After deleting the last item in ListView item, it always gives a RangeError. Why doesn't it stop on new itemCount.length?

I've a listview of products and when I delete any item other than the last item, it works fine. But when I delete the last item in the listview, may it be 0th o

Add/Delete Item in real-time from ListView (C# MVVM WPF)

I have a ListView with an ObservableCollection. The class User has a List with Groups. I have another ListView which shows the Groups of the selected User. Now

Trying to pass a background color through intentPutExtra

I am trying to set the background color with intentPutExtra but it doesn't seem to change, this is my intent from the MainActivity: @Override publ

CheckBox in Nativescript (ios and Android)

What is the best way to create checkbox in Nativescript with javascript? I know if I use checkbox it's only for Android, and I have problems with the switches.

Xamarin.Forms ListView with an AutoSize height

I've read many stackoverflow articles to find out how to set height of the ListView so that the ListView is exactly as high as is its content. But none of the m

Yii2 ListView summary unknown property

When I try to run the following code <?= ListView::widget([ 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, 'itemView' => '_fichaRevista', 'summary ' =&