Category "gradle"

Android Studio error - groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: build_8sqj** is applicable for argument types: ***

I prepared an android app in android studio then I copied my whole code manually from one sys to another. But after that, getting this error. Below are my both

Failed to apply plugin 'org.gradle.application'. Gradle

List item I'm trying to open a project in IntelliJ and this happens, what can I do? 'D://\build.gradle' line: 17 error show at line 17 below block ("apply plugi

Update Gradle in Flutter project

I have this project in Flutter, but I haven't been able to build an apk for a couple of weeks, because of the Gradle version. I've tried everything, but Flutter

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.sql.rowset.RowSetProvider

I'm running a Gradle project in Docker and when I try to hit an endpoint through Postman I receive the following error. When I run it locally through Gradle it

How can I change gradle to work offline in Android Studio Bumblebee for a Flutter project

I have Android Studio Bumblebee on ubuntu and I need to set my Gradle to work offline. I can't find the gradle tab to try out some of the suggestions such as th

OpenJFX on Apple M1 chip

Graphics Device initialization failed for : es2, sw Error initializing QuantumRenderer: no suitable pipeline found java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Runtim

no build output compiled for common module of Kotlin Multiplatform project

I'm trying to figure out why dependent projects for my Kotlin MPP library don't see any provided modules in their common modules even though the targets (jvm, a

Gradle Build Takes Error But Application Runs Properly

In my project, i use basically microservice architecture, spring boot, spring cloud and gradle etc. When i tried to Gradle build, it takes error but when i trie

My flutter project broke and I get this gradle error

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Could not create an instance of type org.gradle.invocation.DefaultGradle. > Could not configure

No variants of io.grpc:protoc-gen-grpc-java:1.33.1 match the consumer attributes

Issue: I'm using Dexguard to obfuscate codes for release build. Previously, I could build as normal without errors. However, when I add this dependency com.gith

How to run a single test that is excluded

I have integration tests named with "IT" at the end and the tests are excluded by default. My build.gradle contains: test { if (!project.hasProperty('runITs

How to solve: The minCompileSdk (31) specified in a dependency's AAR metadata

One or more issues found when checking AAR metadata values: The minCompileSdk (31) specified in a dependency's AAR metadata (META-INF/com/android/build/gradle/a

Flutter: Using Proguard with Gradle 7.0.4

I just updated to Gradle 7.0.4 and upon build I now get the error. A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'. No signature of method: build_9gq7rvxos4tcg7upa

After upgraded to androidX Zip file '...' already contains entry 'AndroidManifest.xml', cannot overwrite Error while build

I'm new in Android development and I've been recently assigned to an android project, which was not updated for more than a year. I got the below error when I t

"Unable to find method ''void<init>(java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel)''"

The problem: I'm currently using Android Studio and Gradle to compile code from a github repository (00-Evan/shattered-pixel-dungeon) and while I can run some t

Setting output path for Kotlin/JS distribution / webpack output

When building my project using the browserDistribution Gradle task, Kotlin/JS puts the output which has been processed by webpack into /build/distributions/myPr

Open Gradle Project in Netbeans 12

When i open a gradle project in Netbeans 12 i have this message: "Project Problems: Priming Build Required" "Description: In order to be able to read this proje

Gradle dependency on classpath but not dependency tree?

I am currently upgrading an app from a lower level of Spring to 5.3.15 (as well as other jars as needed) plus making the code compatible with Java 11. However,

Gradle override subprojects property from CLI

I'm trying to override a setting in a certain project by using the command line in a Linux environment. I would like to avoid to change the build.gradle file. H

Could not find protoc-3.9.2-osx on Flutter/Android build

I am working on a Flutter application which integrates a native package which uses Protobuff. I work on Android Studio and Mac (Apple ship). On windows, the app