I am trying to generate Java classes from this WSDL https://sedo.fss.ru/sedo-gateway/api/soap/SedoGateway?wsdl. I tried to do it with wsdl2java util, wsimport u
I'd like to change the default Gradle version in all my newly created flutter projects. Right-Now I have to change the Gradle version manually in distribution-U
[I just Installed Everything for flutter...and run the first default app...but this problem is showing] Like picture below: FAILURE: Build failed with an except
Hello am building a flutter apk using vscode but I get the error below, any help on how to go about it. Did a research but am getting no solution. I have config
I am developing a project in IntelliJ and I am using Angular for the frontend and Grails for the backend. The project is being built with Gradle, and I am getti
I am getting this build error while I am trying to run my application from the Android studio. Execution failed for task ':app:checkDebugDuplicateClasses'. >
After updating Flutter to 1.20.2 (also tried 1.20.1) app failed to build android apk in release mode. After flutter build apk I got error Script '/flutter/pack
I am on MacOS, installed the JDKs 8 ( LTS ) from AdoptOpenJDK to get the android environment up and running and that worked fine! brew cask install adoptopenjdk
I got an error "Android Gradle plugin requires Java 11 to run. You are currently using Java 1.8" I change it in IDE settings and JAVA_HOME environment variabl
An error occurred after I downloaded version 6.8 and the latest version of Gradle. A problem occurred evaluating project ':launcher'. < Failed to apply plug
Objective : I have developed Test for CodeCoveragePluginForAndroidConnectedTest . Steps to reproduce error : ./gradlew clean build A problem occurred eval
I'm trying to build a project in my M1, but I got this error when I run npx react-native run-android FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong
repositories { maven { url "https://maven.aliyun.com/repository/gradle-plugin" } gradlePluginPortal() } error: > Could not resolve all files for c
I would like to make my test task incremental, but I noticed that it looks for files in java instead of kotlin: Task ':test' is not up-to-date because: Task.u
Could not find guice-4.2.1-no_aop.jar on a newly initialized quarkus project, not sure why we see this error. Source code is available here - https://pastebin.c
I have a suite of cucumber android tests (they are instrumented tests) and I run them using gradlew connectedCheck. What I'm trying to do is run only certain ta
I'd read the documentation but I'm not able to understand how to create a working example to understand better their differences. And ofc I've created a play
I have recently updated my Android Studio to Chipmunk and I am unable to import any library in it. Here is my build.gradle project level file. App level build
I received this build error having updated my native android project to Android S (Pre release of android 12). Googling for the error threw up no valuable hits.
I have a Gradle java project. When I tried to import/ open, I am getting dependency can't be resolved error. Initially I tried with IntelliJ, so doubt IntelliJ