I'm creating a K8 cluster and I want to display the cluster information in Grafana using Prometheus (as usual). I've followed various documentation that has bee
I would like to get help with relabeling in prometheus. I am trying to replace instance with nodename, so here in prometheus before relabeling I would like to h
I am working on a project in java using spring boot that requires working on prometheus and grafana. To send data to prometheus end-point, I am using "gauge" ha
I have a Spring boot app throwing out open metric stats using micrometer. For each of my HTTP endpoints, I can see the following metric which I believe tracks t
Hellow! I need use this plugin in my grafana: https://github.com/GoshPosh/grafana-meta-queries and I have configured in this way: The error that I received is
I have different Grafana dashboards build on Graphite datasources. And add variable with such values: grp1,grp2,grp3,grp4 Now I can choose any group in dropdow
I am a new developer in Grafana and I would like to have a query that returns a variable having "CA" at the END of its name. I was using SEARCH key code but it
I'm trying to display a timeseries data as a bar chart but Grafana complains about Bar charts requires a string field This is my query: SELECT COUNT(footage_ty
I have a grafana query that sums a number of stats, my query looks like alias(summarize(sumSeries(stats.checkout-*.*.*.*.*), '$time', 'sum', false), 'checkout')
I'm trying to create a dashboard where i can filter data by gas station location and fuel type. This is my Table from this query: from(bucket: "homeassistant")
I have metric that exports "current time" from the device in UNIX time, now I would like to compare that time with "crawling time", but I seem to have some prob
We did an upgrade to our Loki-stack from version:2.1.0 to version 2.4.1, After the upgrade Grafana Alert Rules are not working previously we were running versio
beeing relativ new to Flux, I'm trying to make calculation on rows based on a value (tot) I get in amount. > tot=from(bucket: "stat_tst") |> range(start
I was trying to set up a dashboard so that I could monitor the number of messages within certain queues. The problem is that in order to create a suitable alert
I would like Prometheus to scrape metrics every hour and display these hourly scrape events in a table in a Grafana dashboard. I have the global scrape interval
I am using kube-stats-metrics with kube_pod_container_status_last_terminated_reason as a gauge. The gauge can be reporter for few minutes even hours. But I just
Working in Docker Grafana 8.1.5. Using time series graph, I'm plotting a Prometheus Counter source (that has one label) as a time series (by label), and need to
I have a Kafka cluster with a topic that receives thousands of messages a day and I want to see how many messages went in the topic per date. I'm using JMX expo
I need to present a Grafana time series graph starting at 05:00 every day. The time series graph needs to show a cumulative sum of 2 mass flow meters until 05:0
I'm trying to understand helm and I wonder if someone could ELI5 to me something or help me with something. So i did run below: helm repo add coreos https://s