I'm trying to create a dashboard where i can filter data by gas station location and fuel type. This is my Table from this query: from(bucket: "homeassistant")
I have metric that exports "current time" from the device in UNIX time, now I would like to compare that time with "crawling time", but I seem to have some prob
We did an upgrade to our Loki-stack from version:2.1.0 to version 2.4.1, After the upgrade Grafana Alert Rules are not working previously we were running versio
beeing relativ new to Flux, I'm trying to make calculation on rows based on a value (tot) I get in amount. > tot=from(bucket: "stat_tst") |> range(start
I was trying to set up a dashboard so that I could monitor the number of messages within certain queues. The problem is that in order to create a suitable alert
I would like Prometheus to scrape metrics every hour and display these hourly scrape events in a table in a Grafana dashboard. I have the global scrape interval
I am using kube-stats-metrics with kube_pod_container_status_last_terminated_reason as a gauge. The gauge can be reporter for few minutes even hours. But I just
Working in Docker Grafana 8.1.5. Using time series graph, I'm plotting a Prometheus Counter source (that has one label) as a time series (by label), and need to
I have a Kafka cluster with a topic that receives thousands of messages a day and I want to see how many messages went in the topic per date. I'm using JMX expo
I need to present a Grafana time series graph starting at 05:00 every day. The time series graph needs to show a cumulative sum of 2 mass flow meters until 05:0
I'm trying to understand helm and I wonder if someone could ELI5 to me something or help me with something. So i did run below: helm repo add coreos https://s
My node-exporter metrics are something like: process_cpu_seconds_total{instance="",job="node_info"} process_cpu_seconds_total{instance="
How can I calculate the per-second instant rate of increase of the time series in Prometheus or Grafana without using rate() or irate()? This drive function is
any one knows how to send metrics from airflow to prometheus, I'm not finding much documents about it, I tried the airflow operator metrics on Grafana but it d
How do I create a column of cells that contains hyperlinks to external sites? I'm able to embed the text and pass it in via the data-feed, unfortunately grafana
Let's suppose I have metric purchases_total. It's a counter ( which constantly increases ). I would like to make a table in Grafana which: Shows the last 7 day
I have two exporters for feeding data into prometheus - the node exporter and the elasticsearch exporter. I'm trying to combine sources from both exporters into
I have a metric in Prometheus called unifi_devices_wireless_received_bytes_total, it represents the cumulative total amount of bytes a wireless device has recei
I'm trying to get my query to sum over intervals in grafana but I get this error: "query processing would load too many samples into memory in query execution"
I am trying to chart total number of requests each hour with Grafana and Prometheus counters. So I have a counter which gets incremented at every request http_