Category "graphql"

GraphQL: unexpected variables in variableValues: first when using no variables in args

My GraphQL Query works just fine in Hasura Client but fails to work when I use the query in my React code using Apollo, I don't understand why because I am not

ESP8266, how to make post request with graphQL

I am very new to programming with ESP8266 and can't get this to work. I am successfully connected to the internet. With the <ESP8266HTTPClient.h> I am wri

How to translate GraphQL interfaces to the Java world with graphql-java-kickstart library using spring-boot

I'm quite new to GraphQL and I'm struggling with how to translate the concept of the GraphQL interface to proper java code that works with the graphql-java-kick

Django Graphql Auth not logged in user

I'm using Django Graphql Auth in my api but when I want to get the current logged in user always get the Anonymous. # MIDDLEWARE = [ # ...

How can I add customised header on http request for authentication when using flutter graphql library?

I am using this library for graphql in a flutter web application. Below code can be used to get authentication token:

How to configure NextJS Server API GraphQL Subscription

currently i'm learning how to develop an application using graphql. I'm facing the error of implementing the subscription inside my application resolver.js cons

Next.js: React Apollo Client Not sending cookies?

I'm using Apollo Client as a graphql client on my next.js application, Here is the function that creates a client for me: let client: ApolloClient<any>;

How to use Apollo Server DataSource to call a GraphQL API

In our GraphQL api (Apollo-Server) we would like to add a new dataSource which accesses GitHub's GraphQL api. We are looking to consume this data. It appears th

How to use Apollo Server DataSource to call a GraphQL API

In our GraphQL api (Apollo-Server) we would like to add a new dataSource which accesses GitHub's GraphQL api. We are looking to consume this data. It appears th

how to create register mutation Graphql typescript

import { Arg, Field, ID, InputType, Mutation, ObjectType, Query, Resolver } from "type-graphql"; import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client' const prisma = ne

Cannot access object from GraphQL query (JavaScript)

Subgraph query returns results to console, but my javascript module can't access any values from it, returning an error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of un

How to transform GQL schema on its generating? [NestJS]

I want to apply prefixes to all types, mutations, etc. in GQL schema generated. Here is my config factory: useFactory: (configService: ConfigService) => ({

TypeError: (0 , _expressGraphql2.default) is not a function

Trying to create a server for my application using graphQL server, but keep getting the error below. I have tried debugging with similar issues on this site but

Generate GraphQL schema from TypeScript?

I have just recently started with Apollo and would like to expose some existing REST APIs through a new GraphQL layer. These REST services are already fully (Re

graphql-flutter subscriptions in flutter connectivity issue

I am new to flutter development but I have good experience in nodejs and graphql. I am trying to consume the subscription widget of graphql-flutter and update t

using validation pipe in nestjs gives me an classTransformer.plainToclass is not a function error

i am using nestjs/graphql, and i made a dto for a graphql mutation where i used class-validator options like @IsString() and @IsBoolean(). for this i installed

Graphql_flutter runMutation's QueryResult is returning null, though the mutation is executing correctly

I'm using graphql_flutter 3.1.0 and have started the authentication for my app and am needing to set the user in my Provider state on successful creation. My mu

How to write mutations in Vue-Apollo using Graphql-Neo4j as backend

I am stuck with the Vue-Apollo documentation: How to send mutations to my grahql-node4j server backend. For some reason the querying part works but I can't muta

Graphql upload file shows as empty object

when I'm trying to upload file via Graphql mutation (apollo-angular) with parameter $file: Upload!, the variable value is shown as an empty object in developer

Why does Resolver behave differently in Query vs Mutation?

I've been struggling with the issue/behaviour described below for while now and can't seem to figure out what's going on. This is all based on inherited/adapted