Category "graphql"

Graphql and round trips. Is this just an ios app issue?

I'm taking another look at graphql, and I'm trying to understand why saving round trips is a benefit to developers. Is the cost of making a request so expensive

Unable to resolve signature of property decorator when called as an expression

import { isEmail, isEmpty, isPhoneNumber, Length } from "class-validator" import { Field, InputType } from "type-graphql"; @InputType() export class RegisterIn

Update not working on newly added column in GraphQL

I created new column in MySQL db i.e. otp and trying to update this by using below Mutation but it's not working, however same function updating all other colum

How to infer types from an imported file in Typescript

I have a tricky Typescript problem I can't seem to solve. I would like to infer values based on a generic. However, the catch is the inferred types needs to com

Using gRPC and/or GraphQL for microservice architecture

At my company we're about to set up a new microservice architecture, but we're still trying to decide which protocol would be best for our use case. In our case

What does GraphQL do with the return value from a resolver?

I recently started learning GraphQL and I've discovered a situation that I'm unable to explain. Take the following example var {ApolloServer, gql} = require("ap

I have a graphQL query and wanted to convert it GraphQL Transformer v1 to v2

I was working on an existing project using amplify with GraphQl API. The query shows issues with @Key as Your GraphQL Schema is using "@key" directive from an o

How to query with multiple 'and' conditions in where clause in Strapi, GraphQL?

Now I am trying to query with multiple _and inside where in Strapi GraphQL playground. The query I am using is: { clients( where: { _and: [{ name:

How can I implement a chat schema with @manyToMany using Amplify GraphQL with non private/public auth rules?

I was trying to implement a chat feature that has three models; message, user and conversation. A user can have many conversations, a conversation can have many

AWS Amplify (GraphQL) - Using "graphqlOperation" vs Normal Query?

Might be a simple question, but I initially have been using the graphqlOperation for API queries in AWS Amplify. Recently I started utilizing Cognito User Pools

How can I map out multiple images in Gatsby with GraphiQl?

I would like to query multiple images from a specific folder on a webpage via GraphiQl. I've tried it multiple ways, but I'm not able to display the images. I c

GraphQL: Generate static documentation from SDL file

The NPM library graphql-docs will statically generate GraphQL API documentation from a successful schema introspection call against the API server. I need to s

How can we introspect a GraphQL schema recursively?

If a customer does not know the schema and would like to introspect and understand a GraphQL API, it seems that GraphQL may not be able to support the recursive

Can I list Github's public repositories using GraphQL?

I am trying to list public repositories in Github using GraphQL as it allows me to choose exactly which information from an Object I want. Using REST I could

GraphQL Expected Iterable, but did not find one for field xxx.yyy

I'm currently trying GraphQL with NodeJS and I don't know, why this error occurs with the following query: { library{ name, user { name e

Strapi 4 and NuxtJS: Unable to connect via GraphQL (ECONNREFUSED)

I am building a small blog application using NuxtJS, Strapi 4 (and GraphQL) and apollo. To do that, i followed this tutorial:

Multiple endpoints Graphql

Im working on a project that displays a list of .xml and .txt files on a web browser. Using a MERN Graphql stack, is it possible to have two different endpoints

How to cascade deletes in GraphQL?

I'm using GraphQL and want to delete an entity from a database and another entity which is assigned to the first one by relation. Let's say I have three types i

Need Solution to integrate Node+Express+GraphQL+ApolloServer+ElasticSearch

I need to develop my backed application in NodeJS ExpressJS and GraphQL, and I am using the Apollo GraphQL server for this. Now I have to connect this GraphQL t

unable to install apollo/react-hooks , requires peer of graphql

While installing npm install @apollo/react-hooks, I got the following error message. It tells me about installing graphql with a version higher than 14.3.1, but