Warning: You have opted-out of Automatic Static Optimization due to getInitialProps in pages/_app. This does not opt-out pages with getStaticProps I tried dif
How can I navigate the screen in react-navigation in Redux-Saga and Redux-Thunk? Is it possible to get access to the navigation context in sagas or thunk? For e
I am newbie in Redux Saga, trying to make an API call through Saga but it gets triggered multiple times. Below is my code. component.js (dispatch action inside
I'm currently playing around with redux saga and I'm having troubles implementing it correctly. Let's say I have a reducer which keeps track of how many times t
In redux saga if we want to handle multiple promises, we can use all (which is equivalent of Promise.all): yield all( users.map((user) => call(signUser, u
I am reading Redux Saga instruction docs as the below link: https://redux-saga.js.org/docs/introduction/BeginnerTutorial/ In the code in sagas.js, incrementAsyn
So I have fetched the data from an API and stored it into my Redux store. It's an array of objects, containing 100ish objects. On the front end I am displaying
After looking through some answers to similar questions here, I just can't get my selector to work. Here's my selector.js: export const getButtonStatus = state