Category "grep"

How can I find in a tsv file a value and 2 other values corresponding to the same row but in different columns USING GREP

So I have a tsv file that I opened in Numbers (Mac) and it has this aspect: sequence_id sequence v_call d_call j_call sequence alignment

Am I using grep properly?

I am new here and need help with a problem I can't seem to solve. I am working on my class project and analyzing a log file, so far I have been successful up to

Grep exclude count of occurence match between comments <!-- --> of curl body

I am very new to linux & bash script. I'm trying to read an xml file using curl command and count the number of occurrence of the word </entity> in it

grep positive/negative integer value only

I am looking to grep any positive/negative integers only and no decimals, or any other variation including a number. I have a testpart1.txt which has: This is a

How to make regex works with perl command and extract numbers from a file?

I'm trying to extract from a tab delimited file a number that i need to store in a variable. I'm approaching the problem with a regex that thanks to some resear

Github CLI - Grep for filtering by phrase in pull request body?

I’m using the Github CLI tool, which includes a command gh pr list that allows you to see all the open pull requests. The issue is that I only see a list

if() statement with paste0() or grep() in r

I made reproducible minimal example, but my real data is really huge ac_1 <-c(0.1, 0.3, 0.03, 0.03) ac_2 <-c(0.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.008) ac_3 <-c(0.8, 0.043

Only one type of list may be specified?

So I have a bash script which is below, and whenever I try to execute it, it says only one type of list may be specified, any clue as to whats wrong with this c

Find matching words

I have a corpus file and the rules file. I am trying to find matching words where the word from rule appear in corpus. # cat corpus.txt this is a paragraph numb

Check for multi-line content in a file

I'm trying to check if a multi-line string exists in a file using common bash commands (grep, awk, ...). I want to have a file with a few lines, plain lines, n

How to select two columns from awk and print if they do not match

I need to select two MSISDN values from OMO account Migration logs and print the ones that do not match. [2019-03-11 04:15:08 INFO-SUBAPP ESBRestClient:117] ##

Parsing HTML on the command line; How to capture text in <strong></strong>?

I'm trying to grab data from HTML output that looks like this: <strong>Target1NoSpaces</strong><span class="creator"> .... <strong>Targ

How to use sed/grep to extract text between two words?

I am trying to output a string that contains everything between two words of a string: input: "Here is a String" output: "is a" Using: sed -n '/Here/,/

grep search with regex

how to find a line that contains exactly 3 "w", 5 "t" and no "v" with grep? Input: ---------- aabbccddd4444 wccwwtttjjttuu zzxxxwwwmmmnnnn Expected output: --

How to grab text after newline in a text file no clean of spaces, tabs [closed]

Assume this: It needs to pass a file name as an argument. This is the only text I’m showing. The remaining text has more data (not shown

grep after grep : No such file or directory

To create a test file contains blanks in the filename first: vim "/tmp/it is a test.txt" bash escape Search with grep: grep -lr 'bash' /tmp /tmp/it is