Category "gson"

Get key values of nested json objects

I want to get the values of the keys of the next json file using org.json library: { "1": { "subject1": "MIS", "subject2": "DBMS", "

Android generic Gson.fromJson() conversion with coroutine and flow

I am making generic classes for hitting otp api.anybody can use otp section just have to pass request ,Response class and url and all will be done by this otp s

Kotlin 1.6.0 (There are no problems in 1.5.21) + Proguard + Gson (Registering an InstanceCreator with Gson...)

I have enabled Proguard and configured the rules minifyEnabled true shrinkResources true proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFil

change the json object value

{ "onboardingInformation": { "apiInvokerPublicKey": "string", "apiInvokerCertificate": "string", "onboardingSecret": "string" }, "notification

export and import gson - Failed to invoke public ) with no args

i'm learning how to convert array to json file and import that array with using gson. I have abstract class Shape; public abstract class Shape { private Type ty

Simple java questionnaire using json

I made a simple questionnaire. I need to write the responses to a JSON file. How to do it? I use IDEA Intellij and library GSON for work with JSON. This is main

How to make GSON fail on unknown properties

I need GSON mapper to throw an exception if json contains unknown fields. For example if we have POJO like public class MyClass { String name; } and json l

Java 17 | Need Help to update to Gson 2.9.0 and disableJdkUnsafe

I'm trying to Update my Gson version to 2.9.0 and disableJdkUnsafe, Can I get help with below error. This is from a broken test when I updated my GsonBuilder. T

Java application for sorting and selecting

I need to develop a simple application for sorting and selecting data according to predefined rules. The application must be able to work with JSON lists of obj

How to modify values of JsonObject

I want to add a new field to jsonObject and this new field's name will be based on a value of another field. To be clear, this an examples of what I want to ach

How to modify values of JsonObject

I want to add a new field to jsonObject and this new field's name will be based on a value of another field. To be clear, this an examples of what I want to ach

Gson.toJson object contain URL

I am using Gson.toJSON method. My pojo contains one of attribute as URL string. Strange thing is Gson converter changes URL characters output is: /myApp/myAct

How to unrealize a json using GSON? Get an error

The structure of the json that I have stored in a string is: { "0": { "PDate": "2019-02-25 00:00:00.0000000", "DDate": "2019-06-25 00:00:00.000