Category "pug"

I can't call PATCH method using Pug, Mongoose and Express.js

I am new to code and I apologize in advance for all my noob mistakes. I'm trying to set a new color to an existing object stored in MongoDB using the PATCH meth

How can I have Minify/uglify inline JavaScript using Pug?

I am using Pug for a web page that I am building. At the end of a module I have a script. tag (the regular script tag cannot be used because it isn't compatible

How to iterate over a map in pug

I have a map that I am passing to pug on my server but I am unable to iterate over the key value pairs in the map in order to render the data in the map. I have

Pug Indentation warning in Nuxt project

After updating Nuxt, the pug pre-processor start giving a warning in all of the project files. unexpected token "indent" (PUG:INVALID_TOKEN) [2,1] This is becau

How to make ESLint understand that function is used in vue pug template?

I have following vue component. <template lang="pug"> button(@click="onLogout") Logout </template> <script setup lang="ts"> function onLogout

Unexpected Block Content

Have a problem when running my nodeJS and express application using '.pug' in the frontend. Tried indenting it many ways, yet unable to solve the issue. exten

Don't Want Include Tag's Stylesheet to Mix With Current Page's

I have an include tag in dashboard.jade to include my header.jade file, but the header.jade file has its own stylesheet and when I run it, dashboard.jade's styl

What is a vertical bar in jade?

To convert HTML to jade is use this jade converter. When I enter the following HTML, <!doctype html> <html class="no-js"> <head> <m

Pug: Force add white space to the end of a line

So I have this basic pug code p This is some text span foo span bar The expected output would look like this: This is some text foo bar However it actu