Category "hardware"

What is an OS' HAL?

The hardware abstraction layer (HAL) is (AFAIK) the lowest level software within a computing system. Thus, is it a set of functions implemented in assembly lang

Hardware for Machine Learning / Deep Learning

I want to build a new computer for Data Science purposes. What do you think about this hardware:

Flutter usb serial with arduino, Not detecting CH340

I'm trying this package usb_serial to communicate with my hardware devices like Arduino, Esp8266, Esp32, FTDI board, etc., Right now I'm using a board with a CH

Video Codec with in build audio

I want to build a Network video recorder. I have a question regarding Video encoder. My question is , that video codec like H.264 has inbuild audio or we have t

UEFI secure boot, how (or will) the PCIE device (firmware) are checked?

Recently I'm searching for info about if PCIe devices are involved in the uefi secure boot, and if so, how it is done. From the uefi specification, the main boo

PLL Init function in STM32F429 to configure max frequency (180Mhz)

I want to configure PLL in STM32F429 to its max frequency (180Mhz) without using STMCube-generated configurations. I am using my own register definitions like t