Category "module"

Difference between NodeJs preload option (-r) and explicit require in in REPL

I'm using esm which is a very useful package to support ES import keywords. According to the doc, in REPL, it can use preload command-line option to initialize

Continuous error in module: TypeError: Artist() takes no arguments

Working through an assignment, and have tried multiple changes to both the Class and the Module but I still am getting an error, "TypeError: Artist() takes no a

Cannot access object from GraphQL query (JavaScript)

Subgraph query returns results to console, but my javascript module can't access any values from it, returning an error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of un

"type": "module" import issue

Using js librairies, I struggle with the fact that require and import are not suitable together. When I write "type": "module" in the package.json, then import

Can you import a NestJS module on condition

I'am creating a microservice in NestJS. Now I want to use RabbitMQ to send messages to another service. My question is: is it possible to import the RabbitmqMod

Can you import a NestJS module on condition

I'am creating a microservice in NestJS. Now I want to use RabbitMQ to send messages to another service. My question is: is it possible to import the RabbitmqMod

Nginx fancy-index header and footer never load

I'm creating a Nginx file server, and I'm trying to enable the fancy-index module to get have custom header and footer, but I can't get it working, the header/f

How to import flutter module to a flutter project?

I have a flutter module project and I want to import it into another existing flutter project, how can I do this? I think this may not be possible since there w

Standalone exe file Python without Python installed

I am trying to create executable file from Python script with os, tkiner, pandas and xlsxwriter packages. I used pyinstaller, but always get error that pandas i

Can't import file from another directory which imports a file from the same directory (int Python)

So my project structure is the following: project/ src/ I now want to import functions f

is there a way to automate VMware snapshot deletion by setting a schedule through Ansible or rest API

I am trying to figure out if there is a way to automate VMware snapshot deletion through Ansible. I have found"to be closest to it an

running exec inside a function when calling a module

I'm trying to assign a module's attribute to a variable using exec inside a function. color is a str like: 'jet', 'seismic', 'nipy_spectral', or something else.

Find syntax error IN SQL query using python

I want to parse sql file using python code and find any syntatical error present in the file. Is there any way to do it?

Nuxt/ESLint - Parsing error: Must use import to load ES Module

I am using Nuxt 2.15.7 in VS Code, using Node version 14.17.1 and the eslint extension. The problem I started seeing a red squiggly line under the 1st character

AWS CloudFormation NestedStacks vs Modules

In CloudFormation both nested stacks and modules encourage reusability by creating common components. From the AWS documentation it is not coming out when to us

Divi image module - generates a wrong path of image src

So when I create a page with an image module, the image cant be seen. And when I inspect the element the divi image module generates a wrong image src url - It

How can I import firebase app as browser module import?

I am trying to import firebase app (8.0.2) on the client side without bundler. I downladed the firebase-app.js from the CDN and host it on my server. The goal i

Module 'path_provider' not found

I have used several times the Xcode simulator for my flutter app. One time I tried to change the simulator to iPhone 11 Pro (don't know if it did or did not cau

Python can't find Blender Module

I've built Blender as a python module on Ubuntu. Ran make install which updated the site-packages. Running python3 -m site returns the following: sys.path = [

Pip install modules not installing

I imported the module requests within my project using: pip install requests Apparently the module implementation did not work. This is the error: File "scrap