I have a lot of images in a folder that I would like to put in order based on how similar they are. The images are histological slides from a tissue microarray
I want python to read to the EOF so I can get an appropriate hash, whether it is sha1 or md5. Please help. Here is what I have so far: import hashlib inputFil
I'm trying to send a SOAP message from PHP to a server, and I'm stuck at generating a SHA256 hash of the data being sent. Here is an example request provided by
When we want to get the hash of a big file in Python, with Python's hashlib, we can process chunks of data of size 1024 bytes like this: import hashlib m = has
I want to compare hashes of two files. But no matter if files are different or not, even with different hashes comparison results True Here is the code: imp
The Wikipedia article on Open Addressing says: linear probing has the best cache performance but is most sensitive to clustering, while double hashing has poor
Related, but not a duplicate of: How to define hash tables in Bash? I can define and use a bash hash, but I am unable to export it, even with the -x flag. For
I'm using SHA-1 to detect duplicates in a program handling files. It is not required to be cryptographic strong and may be reversible. I found this list of fast
I'm currently rewriting an asp classic site in PHP, everything so far has been simple until I reached the password hashing function. In PHP I've used hash_hmac
In two choice hashing(with chaining), two random hash functions h1, h2 are selected to hash n keys to m positions. The process goes like this: Insert all n key
We have an internal web application that accepts a file of varying formats from a user in order to import large amounts of data into our systems. One of the mo
We are using MySQL and developing an application where we'd like the ID sequence not to be publicly visible... the IDs are hardly top secret and there is no sig
In Objective C I've been using the following code to hash a string: -(NSString *) sha1:(NSString*)stringToHash { const char *cStr = [stringToHash UTF8S
Looking for a way to parse key pairs out of the hash/fragment of a URL into an object/associative array with JavaScript/JQuery
When I want to put a login system in place, I always compare the MD5 of the given password with its value in the users table on the server side. However, a fri