IEnumerator ShareAzureAnchorIdToNetworkCoroutine() { string filename = "SharedAzureAnchorID." + publicSharingPin; string path = Application.
I'm trying to obtain the eye tracking data at a fixed frame rate (30 Hz, as provided by the eye tracker in HoloLens2) and not tied to the Update() function of U
I am trying to deploy a simple unity app to the Hololens v2 emulator. I followed some tutorials to build the unity files according to the Hololens build framewo
I have a problem after switching from Unity integrated XR to Open XR when using Holoremoting. The Unity Editor FOV 29 deg, although the Hololens 2 FOV is 54 deg
I would like to create a TCP connection between a HoloLens2 (Client) device and my PC (W11, server). I already tested this app on another HoloLens2, the connect
I installed the latest version of the HoloLens 2 Emulator (10.0.20348.1501) on my Windows 10 Pro machine. I have 32GB of RAM, 11th Gen Intel 8 Core CPU, Nvidia
Goal: Deploying an application from Unity to Hololens 2 Problem: Yesterday every deployment i did worked correctly. But today when i tried to deploy a new versi
So I have an image processing algorithm doing crack detection written in Python and I want to have this work on the Hololens (in Unity). I don't have any experi
I'm using Unity 2019.4.26f1 (I'm working on a legacy project for my company) and I'm trying to capture images from a Hololens 2 using this official Unity tutori
I am very new to C# and try to use Microsoft.MixedReality.QR for reading some QRCodes with the Hololense 2 and have problems accessing the events of the QRCodeW
I am currently developing an app for the Hololens 2 with Unity and mrtk. I am trying to get the Gaze direction from the GazeProvider.cs which is attached to the
While following the mrtk tutorial on multi-user capabilities, there has been one CS0246 error that I haven't been able to avoid. After importing PUN 2 from the
I want to place multiple azure anchors and set up pathfinding (like destination point ). I followed the (
We are using Vuforia for image tracking with hololens and unity engine. Vuforia works fine. We are also using Azure Spacial Anchors to fix the location of obj