Category "hotchocolate"

How to change hotchocolate default json serializer

How can i change the json serializer used by hotchocalate i could not find anything in the documentation. i tried to look at the source code but it seems like

Why does Resolver behave differently in Query vs Mutation?

I've been struggling with the issue/behaviour described below for while now and can't seem to figure out what's going on. This is all based on inherited/adapted

How to implement offset based pagination for nested collection in HotChocolate GraphQL?

I've been trying to add Offset pagination for a collection inside an entity. I understood that I cannot use the [UseOffsetPaging] attribute directly. So I tried

HotChocolate (GraphQL) dynamic schemas and filtering

I'm using HotChocolate for our GraphQL server in .NET and CosmosDb as DB, which is a document database. Sorry for a long post... In our Db we will have one part

How can I print the schema in HotChocolate as GraphQL SDL

It would be great for development with Relay to print the GraphQL SDL directly with the Hot Chocolate GraphQL server. Is there a way to do this? schema { quer

Azure Application Insights integration with GraphQL API - HotChocolate Framework

Is there any way to integrate Azure App Insights with Hotchoclate graphql framework? Currently, there are multiple ways of hacking this together. What is the be