I am developing an app in Flutter with Health package, but my app isn´t working. I download the google-services.json, already edited the manifest file wit
I have an Android APP that reads Google Fit activity data e.g. DataType.TYPE_STEP_COUNT_DELTA. The step count can come from either a mobile phone or a Wear OS w
I have a script that exports data from the Google Fit API to Google Spreadsheets. The script was found here - https://ithoughthecamewithyou.com/post/export-goog
I am preparing an app to go through the Google OAUTH verification process to enable some sensitive scopes for google fit. My question is once I get some sensit
I am trying to read all data from the Google fitness store, but when the "setTimeRange" is large ie: i am trying to get all data and the "bucketByTime" is in sm
I am currently developing Step counter app, in that I am following Google Sample app. Problem is it works properly on my all device except one, On Samsung it gi
I'm writing an application in Python to add data to Google Fit. I am successful in creating data sources and adding datasets with points for heart rate, cadenc
currently I only see the google fit support library on android, is there any library that supports connect google fit on react native ios?
I am using health 3.2.0 https://pub.dev/packages/health package and after all the effort I am able to successfully access the authorisation. The problem I am fa
I need to get all data of a particular DataType eg: "DataType.TYPE_HEART_RATE_BPM" from the fitness store. In the following code, I am requesting data with star