Category "html-email"

Office365 email signature - conditionally show HTML if tag contains a value

I'm adding a company wide email signature in the Office 365 Admin area under Rules - Mailflow > Apply Disclaimers. I am then using their tags such as %%First

How to take screenshot of an email message?

With Gmail, you could print the message which opens a new window with just the email message, then you can use any screenshot Chrome extension to capture the en

Draft emails with email signature

i am trying to send emails through excel and keep the email signature i am able to either save .body as text withough the image or insert the image through .HTM

MJML-based emails getting aggressively clipped by Gmail

For the news outlet I work for, we use MJML-created templates to send out our newsletters, some of which can get pretty long. We had never run into the message

Outlook: Links don't work at random in HTML Emails

I have a pretty simple unordered list with some links in an html email that generated by a server. It looks and works as expected in most email clients (gmail,

href link to send text message?

Is there a link similar to <a href="tel:..."> for text messages. The behavior would be similar but instead of calling the number it would prompt the user

How to wrap long text in html emails

Hoping someone can help. I have some HTML email templates in my app, they work fine and look great in litmus. A lot of the content in the email is user generate

PropertyAccessor SchemaName (Outlook MailItem attachment)

I'm trying to generate Outlook HTML-Mail with embedded image from my C# application. I've found out that I have to attach the image and referencing it in the HT

Embed Google Form in Gmail using Apps Script

I'm trying to use Apps script to embed a prefilled Form in an email. The emails will only be sent to Gmail users. I want something that works the same as pres

Best way to render HTML emails in React app

I create an SPA React application that can send and receive email messages. What is the best way to render received HTML email messages? The task becomes probl

Is the attribute selector syntax for class names necessary in HTML emails in 2022?

I have an old email template contributed to by several people and it uses an attibute selector to select the class attribute value in addition to the normal cla

How to center MJML column while using text-align:left

I'm trying to center a mjml container but assign the text to left-adjustment. I've been playing around with align="center" and text-align in various tags, but