Category "html"

How do you insert HTML into a QuillJS?

Is it possible to insert raw HTML into a Quill? I've been searching the documentation but couldn't find anything. If it's not possible, can I at least convert

How to add custom drop-shadow with linear-gradient in tailwind css?

I am finding a way to add custom drop-shadow with linear-gradient in tailwind CSS. On looking the docs I found this <div class="drop-shadow-[0_35px_35px_rgba

I want to hide div if user click on dot icon and wanna show other div instead of first one

I want to hide div if user click on dot icon and want to show other div instead of first one. Please look at this website section image i want to hide this div

how can we run drag and drop codes with the help of html, css and a bit of javascript? [closed]

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>My Web Page</title> <script> functio

Chrome Dev Tools Elements Tab stopped working (can't right click any DOM Node and hover over Dom Node doesnt highlight anything)

In the Elements Tab of Chrome Dev Tools I can't right click any DOM Node anymore. I'm talking about the following menu that right click usually opens: Furtherem

how should we link videos and audios on our html file?

<video width="500" height="500" controls="contrlos"> <source src="hope.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> this is the code I tried on vscode

How to use "invalid-feedback" class with selectpicker from Bootstrap-Select?

I'm using Bootstrap to do some form validation on my web app. With a normal select menu, it would be really easy to have an error message pop-up when the field

overflowing to right side of page

when i add the photos and "yayın akışı" text its getting to right side of page just like the images 2.problem is: there is 3 big photos , be

Hide/unhide section after form submit. Elementor

i want to create a confirmation form on elementor using elementor form but the next section it can shown depends on the user select the button. i.e if i choose

Change input value with useRef

I captured an element with the useRef hook of React. if I use console.log(this.inputRef) I get: <input aria-invalid="false" autocomplete="off" class="Mui

How to remove the previously selected option from a drop-down menu in a table?

I am making a project on angular 7.It has a table with a column having dropdowns. The dropdown contains various languages. When a language is selected in a part

Input[type="date"] autocomplete [closed]

Autocompletion is not working for input[type="date"] with the autocomplete="bday" attribute. I saw that there is no handling of bday in Chromi

CSS files not working in brave browser but works fine with chrome browser

this is how it looks in chrome and this is how it looks on brave I am using the current version of brave browser and to note I have developed this website using

GitHub pages post links not working

I'm trying to get a Git Hub pages blog to work (, but when I go to the link my posts are supposed to be on the link does

CSS - How can I divide a list <li> in 3 columns using li:nth-child?

There are 6 elements and I want them to be something like that: - First - Third - Fifth - Second - Fourth - Sixth I tried something like this:

I have 2 scrolls bar on my page , can't figure out why

I'm creating a website at the moment for quite a long time now. The last thing I did with it was to make it responsive on my second smaller laptop with mediaque

In angular material table , on a button click it should filter data which are older than 3 months

I had angular material table which contain a column that shows data using this I need to filter data which are older than 3 months

Can't center-align image

I'm having problems centering an image between two float-aligned pictures. I can't add margin-left to the image in the middle. I would like it to stay centered

Problem with updating styles in JS for my class

So I have a problem with updating styles in JS for my class. In debug I can see that variables change correctly foreach object as they should, but style changes

How to place a circle inside a square box in css?

I have a webpage made in HTML and CSS in which I want to put a circle inside a square box. Here is the fiddle for the webpage. At this moment, I am able to ma