Category "html5-video"

Convert HTML5 to Flash

I am using impress.js extensively to create a lot of HTML5 presentations. These presentations need to be displayed on touch-screen kiosks. Unfortunately, the

Convert HTML5 to Flash

I am using impress.js extensively to create a lot of HTML5 presentations. These presentations need to be displayed on touch-screen kiosks. Unfortunately, the

How to prevent the select tag to auto select the first option?

I want to add a floating placeholder for the select tag. But the select tag is choosing the fist option by default. I don't want to put an extra option without

How to detect if a video file is supported by the HTML5 video tag?

I have a File object in JavaScript of a file in the user's machine and I want link to it in a video tag and play it. The problem is that I need to detect first