Category "http"

How to call a AWS Lambda outside of AWS

This is a quite basic question, but I was unable to find it out: How can I call a lambda via https without using an EC2 instance or something similar which has

Unicode in Content-Disposition in Post-IE11 area

Accoding to this old answer you need to encode a unicode filename like this: from urllib.parse import quote disposition = 'attachment' if as_attachment else 'i

MSDTC is not supported by AWS RDS SQL server

I have transaction scope in my code which move transaction to MSDTC. But when I run this code into AWS cloud where RDS is SQL server. It is not supporting MSDTC

how to send readstream as response

when i try to send read stream as response i am getting error var http = require('http'), fileSystem = require('fs'), path = require('path'

Get Request/Response Body&Header in Spring AOP

I want to get request/response body and header within my aspect before and after if it's available or how to get those . I mean i think with before annotation

Nodejs Socket hang up & ECONNRESET - HTTP post request from Meteor to Node js server

I am using a node server to handle all my push notifications services like gcm and apn. I have 2 different servers. One is running Meteor and another is runnin

HTTP Synchronous nature

I have read that HTTP is a synchronous protocol. Client sends a request and wait for a response. Client has wait for the first response before sending the next

How to send HTTP Headers during/after HTTP Body stream? Is there spec work on this?

Today, HTTP headers all need to be sent before a single bit of HTTP body is sent to the browser. This is especially problematic with new technologies such as Re


We have a website which cart accepts URL with parameters from newsletters or online offers. The URL is like the following:

Calling Express Route internally from inside NodeJS

I have an ExpressJS routing for my API and I want to call it from within NodeJS var api = require('./routes/api') app.use('/api', api); and inside my ./route

What HTTP code response to use when payment fails?

What HTTP code to use when processing payments / dealing with credit cards? For instance: Not enough funds Unable to retrieve funds (when no reason is given)

Downsides of 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'?

I have a website with a separate subdomain for static files. I found out that I need to set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in order for certain AJAX fea

Network requests in Flutter app on physical iOS devices are slow

I am working on a cross-platform app using Flutter, for Android, iOS and Web. For some reason though, network requests on iOS are very slow. The app works fine

When I wnat to get package flutter it show me HTTP error 403: Forbidden

I am working on flutter project in Intellij Idea. when I want to add a package in pubspec.yaml, it leads to below errror: HTTP error 403: Forbidden package:p

Setting query string using Fetch GET request

I'm trying to use the new Fetch API: I am making a GET request like this: var request = new Request({ url: '', method: 'GET' }); f

How to set status code 404 instead of 200 for 404-page in Next.js

I have inquired about the way of setting 404 status code to 404-page in Next.js but the response I was given was that this is not true, that the status code is

HTTP Request works in Postman, but not in C# code

I want to do a simple HTTP request in C#, but something is not working and all I got is 403 Forbidden status code. When I try to do same request in Postman, ev

How to catch 3rd party api error response using NestJS' httpService?

Suppose i make a request using httpService like this const response = await this.httpService .request({ url: '', m

How do I do HTTP basic authentication using Guzzle?

I want to do basic access authentication using Guzzle and I am very new to programming. I have no clue what to do. I tried to do this using curl but my environm

HTTP error 403 in Python 3 web scraping the publications

This is the traceback of the error that is happening when I am trying to put the URL of the publication. It works for the regular websites such as Stack Overflo