Category "http"

HTTP error 403 in Python 3 web scraping the publications

This is the traceback of the error that is happening when I am trying to put the URL of the publication. It works for the regular websites such as Stack Overflo

What's the most appropriate HTTP status code to return for connection failures on the server

What's the most appropriate HTTP status code to return for connection failures on the server? For instance, if the server fails to establish a connection to the

Python requests not sending {"Content-Type":"application/json"} header or is just ignoring body in HTTP POST

I'm writing some Python to communicate with an API, that uses RESTful. I've managed many successful GET commands, however, am having difficulties with POST. The

Proxied IOS App doesn't send http/s requests? How are they fetching the data then?

I'm currently trying to intercept API calls of an IOS App. Why? I want to reverse engineer their private API and use it for more specific requests. However, the

How does a browser know which response belongs to which request?

Suppose when we request a resource over HTTP, we get a response as shown below: GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2017 1

How to properly close a Node.js TCP server?

I couldn't find a clear answer on Google or SO. I know a net.Server instance has a close method that doesn't allow any more clients in. But it doesn't disconne

Is there a way to set custom responses from an external server when a specific request receive?

I have a program that is only displaying bug behavior when a certain response is received from an external server. The only thing is, the external server is in

Correct way of getting Client's IP Addresses from http.Request

What's the correct way to get all client's IP Addresses from http.Request? In PHP there are a lot of variables that I should check. Is it the same on Go? One

Nodejs - Axios - Timeouts lead to memory leak

I'm running an app which basically: Receives a request through Express.js Send multiples requests to various endpoints Once those endpoints responses, we comput

How to wait for khttp (kotlin) response in Android

I've been trying to use khttp to send an .jpg file in an android activity but haven't been able to make it work. fun sendImage(view: View) { try {

How to access Response cookies in angular2?

I'm trying to access this cookies (the response ones): When I open the request in the chrome debug tools in the network section I can clearly see that the coo

Pass result of Julia `download` to memory instead of file?

With Julia 1.6's download function, the typical behavior is to output to a file. How can I save the result directly to something in memory? E.g. I'd like someth

How REST API handle continuous data update

I have REST backend api, and front end will call api to get data. I was wondering how REST api handles continuous data update, for example, in jenkins, we wil

Streaming API - how to send data from node JS connection (long-running HTTP GET call) to frontend (React application)

We are attempting to ingest data from a streaming sports API in Node.Js, for our React app (a MERN app). According to their API docs: "The livestream read APIs

Download anchor link with authorization header

I have a link that I would like to add to my javascript (Marionette/Backbone) single page application that will download an Excel file to the user's local drive

How would I consume the body of a put request from a web worker

I want to consume data sent through a put request in a web worker. How would I do so? this the part in my code where I am trying to handle the put request if (m

Flutter CachedNetworkImage errors: (CacheManager: Failed to download file) and (SocketException or HttpException)

I'm using the cached_network_image library. If I set it up like this: void main() { runApp(MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Wi

Enable HTTP2 with Tomcat in Spring Boot

Tomcat 8.5, which will be the default in Spring Boot 1.4, supports HTTP/2. How can HTTP/2 be enabled in a Spring Boot application?

Selenium Python - Get Network response body

I use Selenium to react to the reception of data following a GET request from a website. The API called by the website is not public, so if I use the URL of the

Swift Combine HTTP request

Trying to figure out how to make quick http requests using combine. I've mostly been looking at this doc by Apple. I haven't made any progress though and it see