Category "icloud"

CoreData + CloudKit Data Inconsistency after Network Failure

My app uses CoreData + CloudKit mirroring to synchronize data e.g. on an iPhone and a watch. If data is modified on one device, the modification is uploaded to

Sync for the first time the CloudKit data

My app backup the data to iCloud or sync with user device through the user iCloud account using NSPersistentCloudKitContainer privateDataBase. The main problem

Detect if an iOS user is currently signed into an iCloud account and has 2FA enabled

How would my app detect if a) the iOS user is signed into an iCloud account AND b) if the 2FA is enabled on that account? I've been looking at Apple docs like

NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore Unavailable on Watch OS 3.1.3

After unsuccessfully trying to get iCloud document storage to work on the watch Watchkit Extension Cannot Read from iCloud I tried to simply use the keystore.

Check if iCloud has two-factor authentication? Swift/iOS

Is there a way to check if a user's iCloud account has two-factor authentication enabled? I am adding iCloud functionality to my app using CloudKit and for add

Cloudkit Public Database Error: "WRITE operation not permitted"

I have currently a problem with the CloudKit Public Database. Sometimes I receive an error when modifying records: Permission Failure" (10/2007); server messag