I believe the question has been asked in various places like GitHub, Stackoverflow, Reddit & other forums. Using flutter and firebase notifications some dev
I am using Flaticon font library, which is really useful, since you can include svg images via the i tag and change their color and size via css. Flaticon Font
I am using some custom icons in my application, as show below. However when I refresh the page, or sometimes on some other action, the icons change to these ga
I'm getting this message in the Code Analysis after setting my Min SDK to 26. This folder configuration ('v26') is unnecessary; 'minSdkVersion' is 26. Merge al
I know that there are other questions on StackOverflow about this but those solutions haven't worked out for me. I'm trying to create a responsive navbar with a
I am implementing custom app icons for my iOS app, and everything works in the simulator. But when I try on device I get errrors: +[LSApplicationProxy applicati
Version: [email protected], Bootstrap v4.3.1 using C# RazorPage, asp.net I am currently trying to build an asp.net web app. The feather icons work fine on n
I built a dropdown menu with fade animation with the help of stackoverflow users. Everything works beautifully. But now I would like to add an icon to the butto
With Java 11 on Windows, I can get info about my files using: import javax.swing.filechooser.FileSystemView var type = FileSystemView.getFileSystemView().getSy
I think there was a change in https://material.io/ - there are no codes for the icons, just 'name version' for example: <i class="material-icons"> cam
I retrieve some data from my DB, where I have a Column called "icon" in which I stored some Strings. For each of them, I want to pass in the Icon class of Flutt
The icon size was fine on previous version of macOS. After installed macOS 12.3, the icon became very small. The icon I used was 34x34 in pixel. I tried to use
I tried making the small icon exactly 16x16, gray-scaled, nothing but gray and white (the gray color being hex value 616161), to create a silhouette of my appli
I am making a program that stores information in a file with a custom extension. I was wondering If it is possible to assign it an icon within the program so th
I created button with text and icon: <Button android:id="@+id/btnLinkToProfile" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_he
How can I add my custom SVG Icons to Shopware 6 and used it like in the official documentation: https://component-library.shopware.com/components/sw-icon/ Like:
I'm currently building a wpf application and am looking for a "generic" looking set of icons like they are used in windows explorer, they can be something betwe
I have an image which size is 304x105 (more wide than tall) but when I add it as a icon in my Tkinter application is shrinks and cannot be seen properly: Thi
I have recently started flutter and I face difficulty in searching for appropriate icons whenever I want to use them. Is there any website or any source from wh
<MudIcon Icon="@inboxIcon" Color="Color.Primary" /> @code{ // here this Icon string is coming from database private string inboxIcon = "Icons.Mat