Category "ide"

what is the bset IDE and course or book for jakartaEE and spring?

I am new to spring5 and I saw that in order to learn spring well, first, it is better to learn a little JEE and become more familiar with its basics, so I have

Develop C# on Mac OS X Lion [closed]

Faced with the problem of programming on the Mac on the old version of the operating system Lion 10.7.5 in C#. Can anyone recommend an IDE tha

How open the emulator on Android studio with the old way ? (Before bumblebee)

In bumblebee version of android studio the emulator is display like in the screen. I cannot move it on an other screen of something like that. In the old way th

Is there a way to navigate to a function's definition in another file in VSCode or CLion for CPP?

I am working in a project where I am on a specific file in a folder, the structure is like this: └─project_folder/ ├─ myFile.cpp

How do I open a terminal in Stackblitz while working on an Angular project?

I know Stackblitz offers support for generating services and components from a couple of clicks. But I still need to work on terminal for my practice and add de

Cannot determine path to 'tools.jar' library for 18 (C:/Program Files/jdk-

i want to run my code in intellij ide (community edition) and when i try to run it, i got this error Cannot determine path to 'tools.jar' library for 18 (C:/Pr

How do I view Script Properties in the new Google Apps Script IDE

I've been switched over to the new Google Apps Script IDE. I used to be able to click FILE > PROJECT PROPERTIES to access global properties for files I cann

Why can't I use ament_cpplint with cpplint plugins for various IDEs?

I am working with C++ code with ROS2. ROS2 has code style standards and one of the recommended linters is ament_cpplint, which is slightly different from cpplin

AndroidStudio get more and more dark grey bars when opening dialogs

AndroidStudio(Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1) get more and more dark grey bars when opening dialogs. When I open a dialog, something wrong happened that a grey bar appe

Possible to use or make shortcut to start project without a start page?

Sometimes I want to the project to start with the currently selected page, and other times I want the project to start without opening a page. I would really li

Intellij: Cannot select "Groovy" in "Add Framework Support"

I would like to add Groovy support to my project in Intellij Idea 2018.1. But when I open "Add Framework Support..." from the project context menu, I don't see

Visual Studio Code - lagging when typing

I have just installed Visual Studio Code together with the Java Extension Pack. However, when I opened my first file and started typing, the text I type appears

VisualStudio2022 can't navigate from compile error to source

I'm using VisualStudio 2022 community to develop linux program. The cross-platform compile do works and compile outputs shows Output view well. But when double

Webstorm doesn't recognize next js

I'm creating a next JS app using this command npx create-next-app my-app --use-npm And everything is installed successfully, but in WebStorm for example when I

Is there a way to view last commit for selected line in IntelliJ?

I just switched from Visual Studio Code to IntelliJ for Java development. Is there any way for IntelliJ to show last commit information on the current selected

Selenuim IDE - Test upload box with supported extensions

I have to create test steps within Selenium IDE to test file upload feature. The allowed file extensions are JPG, PNG, BMP, JPEG, so if a user tried to upload s

IDE Font spacing problems

A couple months ago, the font I was using in the NetBeans IDE suddenly had huge spaces between each letter, making it almost unreadable. (I was using the Papyru

How to change Visual Studio 2022 IDE icons?

Is there a way to change icons that are used withing the Visual Studio 2022 IDE? I tried looking for DLL files or image files containing the icons I want to cha

Transfer Fault on SAME70 Xplained Microcontroller

I am using a SAME70 Xplained microcontroller for a project I am working on. I program it using an editor made by Microchip called MPLAB X. About a week ago, sud

Unexpected lock protocol found in lock file. Expected 3 found 0

In android studio I keep getting this error message when building. I've tried deleting the .gradle file multiple times and restarting the IDE but the error do