Category "iframe"

Image path URL not Rending right in google apps script

I am trying to build an web app using apps script it was working well till yesterday but I don't know why my password recovery pages not rendering right. the im

Using IFrame to check if a NVR is online or not

I have a group of around 10 NVRs that I would like to be able to display on one page whether they are online or not. Currently I do this with a HTML page contai

Is there a way to apply background color to files while loading in iframe?

I am getting the pdf URL from an API which needs to be shown in an iframe. The pdf is getting loaded but it is taking the background color as black (probably th

MY React Web Page Does not work in an iframe

I've build a web app on react and used react hooks for my forms. However it is not working when the web application is embedded within another application. The

Changing the order of PlatformViews (iFrame) in a Stack causes the render to fail

A possible fix would be to avoid using Keys in the Positioned widget (L: 42) but this would cause the internal state of the HtmlElementView (or other displayed

Need Help Converting Embed Script to Iframe

Can't seem to get the embed code to work on a Sharepoint site page. > <script id="gnewtonjs" type="text/javascript" > src="//

Iframe - Sticky button inside iframe at the bottom of viewport

I am trying to place a sticky button inside iframe at the bottom of viewport, which means, when the scroll event occurs in the parent document, the sticky butt

refused to connect error when embedding a website with iframe

I was trying to embed a website (the full website) in HTML with iframe but I got an error when trying to embed the website. refused to connect.

Vue.js page inside iframe not showing on Firefox

We have a Vue.js page contains a Echarts pie draft, and we want to show it in another project, which is using jQuery. It shows perfectly both on Chrome and IE,

Hyperlink to web page with frame and specify frame content from hyperlink

Apologies if this has been answered. I can’t find a simple answer. All pages I am referring to are mine on my website. Put simply I have a page A.html in

ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CSP In Iframe Of Itch Io.Game

I've Making My Website When I Receive A Error On The Iframe, "ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CSP" It's On Jekyll When I Use The Iframe Of My Game Play Pong Game 0.0.5 alpha on

Iframe "(Site Name) Refused to Connect." Error

EN : The content of the iframe element I use in my project is "(site name) refused to connect." I get the error how can I fix this error? TR : Projemde kulland&

Configuring IIS for strong ETags only (“w/“ weak broke caching)

W/eak ETags -> No Caching Yesterday I published a single index.html and index.hash.js file to an IIS website. The generated ETags had a “W/“ pref

Cannot preview pdf-files larger than 2mb in chrome using FileReader

I want to preview PDF with FileReader before uploading the document to the database. There is no problem when I use Firefox, but if I use Chrome, files larger t

How to access a #document inside an iframe using puppeteer

I am trying to access a document inside an iframe (iframe has no id). I can get to the iframe but, there is a document inside that iframe that i need to access.

How can I Click on an HTML element located into an iFrame, via Edge?

What is the command for executing script via Edge browser in order to click on the below HTML element having id="card"? Trying to get JS path from Google Chrome

Is X-Frame-Options ALLOW-FROM really deprecated?

I am not sure about the exact status of this HTTP header. Some source - for instance Mozilla or Caniuse - clearly indicate that this header has been removed sin

How to embede Apache Superset chart into React app

I want to embed my chart from Apache Superset into my React.js App. So far I know there is possibility to use like this: <iframe id="myIFRAME"

How to use Material UI (mui) 5.0 inside an iframe?

I'm trying to render MUI components inside an iframe using react portal. Although they are rendered inside the iframe, they lose all thMUI components lose their

WebDriverException: target frame detached while interacting with elements within iframe using ChromeDriver Chrome and Selenium

I use Chromedriver 78.0.3904.70, WebDriverException: target frame detached exception has occurred, but in previous version of chromedriver all worked fine.