The following script moves window from my left monitor to the right monitor (2560x1440 each) win = win32gui.GetForegroundWindow() winPlacement = list(win32gui.G
How do I specify explicitly to MSVC compiler / linker to link against API sets (*ms-win* pattern matcing dlls) instead kernel32.dll, ntdll.dll etc.? For example
Here is the function where I am calling all of my draw operations. I also compile the shaders inline in the function. It displays the quad correctly when I just
I need a fast malloc() / free() replacement. There's mimalloc vom Microsoft Research which is actually on average the fastest malloc()- / free()-replacement. I'
I need to get the Parent property of network adapter device from c# program Please find the image here Tried below code but the property "Parent" is not availab
I use this simple code to set the position of two Scrollbars of different RichTextBox Controls, at same time. The trouble comes when the text of a RichTextBox i
First I run the following code: IDXGIFactory* pFactory; HRESULT hr = CreateDXGIFactory(__uuidof(IDXGIFactory1), (void**)(&pFactory)); if (FAILED(hr)
I am trying to make an application that would allow me to copy a chat(archive) from "Microsoft Teams". I used SPY++ to get window handles and then I used WIN32
I'm trying to check compatibility of chrome and chromedriver to prompt the user to download the correct chromedriver version if needed. I'm looking to check the
I need to retrieve the handle of a window selected by the user and then retrieve its handle. This window must be one of those shown when ALT+TAB is pressed. I t
I love that Windows 10 now has support for virtual desktops built in, but I have some features that I'd like to add/modify (e.g., force a window to appear on al
I have a C program and I am supposed to add an interface to it. Can I insert my code to my coded interface using Win32? Example: Here is my code to convert bina
I'm new to Media Foundation, and I downloaded the code from the media session playback example, and the Windows 11 SDK. I used the following makefile to compile
Is it possible to open a 16-bit Windows executable, just to browse its resources? I want to use LoadLibraryEx with LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_IMAGE_RESOURCE | LOAD_LIBRARY
I have a WMI query that notifies me on USB insertions, but I am trying to group the results of this query so that my handler can operate on a batch of these ins
Im writing a script that downloads the attached document from every email in a subfolder of my Outlook inbox. The script works great when running from CMD or Py
I have a C++ application on Windows, that logs to stdout (via the Win32 api using WriteConsole). Each logline consists of some text and a trailing newline chara
I want to use OpenGL without GLFW, the docs say that I need to add opengl32.lib to linker dependencies. How do I specifically import OpenGL an
I am trying to get a handle for the console window with the following: #include <Windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define N
I am using the WC_LISTVIEW control to create a table that is filled with data at runtime. The table is working fine. However, I cannot display multiple lines in