Category "image-processing"

How to connect broken lines that cannot be connected by erosion and dilation?

I have an image like this that has multiple stoppers and some of the lines are broken. To connect this broken line, I used a morphological operation like this:

Join broken lines in image using OpenCV for python

I am working on a project in which I have to complete the broken lines in the image below and then calculate the area. Is there any way to complete the broken l

Join lines to create closed contours using OpenCV

I have the following image: And I would like to join all of these "green" linear pixels to create a bounding box contour - is this something that is possible w

Join broken lines in image using OpenCV for python

I am working on a project in which I have to complete the broken lines in the image below and then calculate the area. Is there any way to complete the broken l

Low pass filter with apply function - Help to solve

I have a can I write the code. I want to create an image interface. The class filter should apply a low-pass filter to a given image and should be

Compare two images and find all pixel coordinates that differ

I have designed a program that compares two images and gives you the coordinates of the pixels that are different in both images and plots the using pygame. I d

joining dotted line by interpolation in an image

I have this image as shown below. It is a binary mask I created this image using the below code. Basically I got the x_idx, y_idx for just those white pixels,

TypeError: __call__() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given. To train Raccoon prediction model using FastRCNN through Transfer Learning

from torchvision.models.detection.faster_rcnn import FastRCNNPredictor from engine import train_one_epoch, evaluate import utils import torchvision.transfor

Remove border from Logo using Python PIL

Hi I want to remove the white border from this Logo using python's pillow library. The only way I have thought of is to extract all white from the image but the

Loading & Saving Bitmap Images In OpenCV (OpenCV Version = 3.1.0)

My problem is simple at least as I see, or how I feel about it. I tried to load and write Bitmap images with OpenCV in C++ and got sucessed in it, my problem is

Reshape the input for BatchDataset trained model

I trained my tensorflow model on images after convert it to BatchDataset IMG_size = 224 INPUT_SHAPE = [None, IMG_size, IMG_size, 3] # 4D input

AttributeError: module 'torch' has no attribute 'rfft' with PyTorch

I am getting an error using a code that should work according to the documentation. The goal is to calculate the Feature Similarity Index Measure (FSIM) using t

Image contour tracing: Jacob's stopping criterion issue

I am trying to adopt Moore-Neighbor contour tracing algorithm in my JavaScript project and at the moment I'm reading this tutorial on contour tracing: http://ww

Python save numpy array set_printoptions

I have an image which I've read in with cv2 and python. - I think I'm going to 'store' the image as a nparray in my db for later processing, easy retrieval etc.

input_image_meta shape error while using pixellib custom trainig on images

I am using pixellib fot training custom image instance segmentation. I have created a dataset whiche can be seen below in link. Dataset:

SLIC Superpixel number of superpixels is smaller than the requested

When using the SLIC Superpixel segmentation, sometimes the resulting number of Superpixels is smaller than the requested, is this because of enforced connectivi

Understanding contour hierarchies: How to distinguish filled circle/contour and unfilled circle/contour in OpenCV?

I am unable to differentiate between the below two contours. cv2.contourArea() is giving the same value for both. Is there any function to distinguish them in P

Changing color within a specific area with opencv using c++

I would like to know if there's a simple way to change a color, say from a shade of grey to white, within an area of interest that would be determined from the

QR Code Detection from Pyzbar with Camera Image

I am having trouble detecting QR code using Pyzbar. Under perfection condition, I am able to detect the QR code using the original png image. However, when I do

How to recalculate the coordinates of a point after scaling and rotation?

I have the coordinates of 6 points in an image (170.01954650878906, 216.98866271972656) (201.3812255859375, 109.42137145996094) (115.70114135742188, 210.427291