My goal is to create a RTSP server using OpenCV Python using the GStreamer backend. I have RGB images stored as OpenCV Mat, and I would like to create a VideoWr
I am working on streaming device with CSI camera input. I want to duplicate the incomming stream with tee and subsequently access each of these streams with dif
I use ffmpeg for streaming a video using RTP protocol. Why I can't send multiple streams to one RTP port, but RTSP that uses RTP can? I started a RTSP server th
I am using node-rtsp-stream package to run rtsp streaming,How can i implement and callback it in mvc structure //Controller var RTSP = require('./models/rtsp
Goal My goal is to display my IP cam's RTSP-output stream on a standard HTML-page (html5 + css3 + vanilla javascript, no magic = no plugins). The HTML-page sho
I'm trying to get stream from IP camera with the help of openCV. Non-docker app runs fine on my PC, but i need to run it in a docker container. Here is my Docke
I am trying to get video stream in python from IP camera but i am getting an error. I am Using Pycharm IDE. import cv2 scheme = '' host = schem
I'm developing a Python module, with OpenCV, that connects to an RTSP stream to perform some preprocessing on the video (mostly, reducing fps and resolution), a
How can I start an RTSP connection using android app? Is there any API or method with which we can start and establish RTSP connection? Thanks Sneha
I am trying to make a simple rtsp streaming server in java. The server is able to stream the video properly to the custom written player. The problem I that I