Category "imageview"

ImageView exceeds parent android studio xml

How do I make a child ImageView clip to the bounds of its parent? When I add an ImageView as a child to a parent view with rounded corners, the child ImageView

Icons not showing in Image View

I am trying to show the items into Recycler View in Grid Layout Manager. My list item xml file is <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLay

Set image From URL as wallpaper - Glide Library -

I'm trying to create a wallpapers application using Glide library, in my app I have 4 categories and each category I have range of images displayed it by their

Click listener for drawableleft in EditText in Android?

Is it possible to add a OnClickListener to on a drawable that is declared in designer as drawableleft android:drawableLeft="@drawable/ic_password" Or is ther

Align image within imageView to bottom center

I have a simple imageView and I want an image to be displayed in the center of the bottom. At the moment it is displayed in the bottom right corner. <ImageV

How to set tint for an image view programmatically in android?

Need to set tint for an image view... I am using it the following way: imageView.setColorFilter(,; But

Make ImageView fit width of CardView

I have a CardView with rounded corners, I want to have an ImageView at the top like shown in the example taken from the material design guidelines below. <

self.image.frame.width = 20 give get only property error

i tried to change the width of my Image view to 20 @IBOutlet weak var image: UIImageView! using this code in viewDidLoad self.image.frame.width = 20 but it giv

Android image scale type to fit width and scaleY = scaleX

I have a layout with a background image. The image width should be the same as the screen width (match_parent). But it's ugly, the OS don't stretch the picture

IllegalArgumentException: width and height must be > 0 while loading Bitmap from View

I'm trying to draw on an ImageViewTouch, a library which enables pinch zooming. I'm able to draw over the image using Canvas, but when I zoom the image, the dra