Say you have a byte value equal to its max value, so byte aByte = 255;. When you increment a value past its max value, it usually wraps around to its minimum va
New in VBA, did tried different examples available on the web but can't make it work as my string only increment by 1 & subsequent executions, the string st
I'm currently working on a big svg sprite. The diffrent images are always 2000px apart. What I have is: <g transform="translate(0,0)"> <g transform="
Is there an efficient way to get an array by skipping every n elements starting from the end (so that the last element is always in the result)? Basically, I ha
Now everyday i'm taking the full back-up of gitlab-CE 8.12.4 server whose size is more than 4 GB. Is there any way or work-around to take the incremental backup
I have a colour value in JS as a string #ff0000 How would I go about programatically calculating a brighter/lighter version of this colour, for example #ff48
I'm running this code from the command prompt. The output of this code is 0 but I was expecting it to output 1. Can you explain how this code is actually compi