Category "infinite-scroll"

overflow-anchor doesn't work for horizontal scrolling

I would like to build an infinite horizontal scroll that scrolls in both directions - left and right. As user scrolls to the left, new content is prepended to t

How to make infinite scroll on Next.js static page?

I'm making portfolio using Next.js and count of projects on page is big enough. I want to start loading images when they get into the current viewport. Such sce

Searchview with endless scrolling in android

My Adapter public class AdapterItem extends RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder> { private final int VIEW_ITEM = 1; private final int VIEW_PRO

ngx-infinite-scroll scrolled event won't stop firing

I implemented infinite scroll with ngx-infinite-scroll. When the user reaches the bottom of the scrollable element (with a fixed height), the event 'scrolled' w