I have two functions. One that returns the part of the string for me. Don't ask me why I'm doing it inside a function because I want to run this inside a thread
I'm trying to use the RTC DS3231 - but it does not loop after Initializing in void setup(). I only tried the example codes so far: /* DS3231: Real-Time Clock.
I am trying to write a playlist method for songs in c++, however, I keep running into frequent errors. template <typename T> struct cir_list_node {
How can I mount a tag that has been pre compiled to a function with riot.js/cli to iife JS version. What am I doing wrong? By getting an empty html DOM as a res
I have an alert component that I hide using AlpineJS but I want it to be visible again after Livewire re-renders. Showing the alert using Livewire component @if
Here is a related C answer that doesn't work (as a zero initializer for a struct) in C++: Initializing a struct to 0. One of the solutions presented is this: my
I am trying to solve a execise, which amis to find the Last Digit of a Large Fibonacci Number, and I try to search for others' solution, and I find one here: h
I recently upgraded to Rails 6 with Ruby 3. I have this in a controller my_object = MyObject.new(my_object_params, @header) The object “initialize&rdquo
The class has two constructors, one that has no initialization value and does not increase the 'val', the other takes a reference to an object, and increases 'v
Sum of numbers occurring in the multiplication table of 8. What's wrong with my code? Desirable output is 440, and I'm getting 33204. #include <stdio.h>
I'm new to Angular. I have a service that needs to subscribe to a subject provided by another service. If this was a component, I would create the subscription
The following code is returning the compilation error below. I'm stuck understanding how there are too many initializers. This code works using vector<X>
Is there a way to tell if some dynamic array, for example arr() as String is initialized? IsEmpty and IsNothing seems not to work with dynamic arrays. Currently
I'm trying to do this in my class: class Foo { _errorHappened = new Subject(); errorHappened = this._errorHappened.asObservable(); } I'm using a field'
I just started to learn data structure and getting an error when executing malloc(): memory corruption (fast) what can be the issue and how to resolve it? I h
I have a structure as follows: struct app_data { int port; int ib_port; unsigned size; int tx_depth; int sockfd; char *servername;
I have a class which overrides self.new and calls super in it, but the class doesn't derive from antoher class. So what exactly does the call? class Test att
Is it possible to assign some values to an array instead of all? To clarify what I want: If I need an array like {1,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,3,0,0,0} I can create it like:
In Java, is there any way to initialize a field before the super constructor runs? Even the ugliest hacks I can come up with are rejected by the compiler: cla
I am currently implementing an Android app, which uses Firebase Cloud Messaging. I've implemented everything according to the tutorial on the Firebase page. Ho