Category "influxdb"

Is there any query builder for InfluxDB in Golang?

I am new to InfluxDB and trying to do query in my local InfluxDB using Go client. The parameterised version of this doesn't seem to work as intended and they me

Python aioinflux `serialization.usertype.SchemaError: Can't have more than one timestamp-type attribute`, how to avoid it?

I have this dataclass with a lineprotocol schema like this: from datetime import date, datetime from aioinflux import lineprotocol, TIMEDT, TAG, FLOAT, MEASUREM

InfluxQL Continuous Query which deletes data

Is there a way to have a continuous query which deletes data, something like: CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY "some_name" ON "mydb" BEGIN delete from "some_measuremen

In Telegraf how to include only specific values of a tag

I am using a prometheus plugin in Telegraf to get the data from promitor and push it to InfluxDB. However, as per my requirement there is one tag named as "reso

Influxdb: Cannot sign in to user interface after upgrade

Just had an update to influxDB version 2.2 on a Raspi. After restarting all services, when I try to sign into the user interface via "http://localhost:8086", th

Send an alert notification from InfluxDb to Microsoft Teams

I am running an influxDb, on my server, and I created below: Notification Check Notification Endpoint (HTTP POST) Notification Rule All above are running succe

k6: connect test outputs to influxdb v2 from kubernetes pods

I'm using a Minikube setup for testing. On Minikube I have a App, the InfluxDB v2 and the k6 sample pods to test my App. Now I want to collect the test data in

Improve InfluxDB response time

I try to improve the respond-time of Grafana and InfluxDB. Hopefully someone can give me some support. My setup is: OS: Windows 10 Docker version 20.10.5 Docker

getting {"code":"unauthorized","message":"unauthorized access"} after using "query" http api for InfluxDB 2.0

I am trying to contact influxdb running on kubernetes. I am new on influxdb and I have just started using it. I used the query http API in the following way: cu

Grafana query to generate a cumulative sum from the same time every day

I need to present a Grafana time series graph starting at 05:00 every day. The time series graph needs to show a cumulative sum of 2 mass flow meters until 05:0

"error parsing query: found %, expected identifier, string, number, bool at line 1, char 7"}

When I try to parse this query in influxDB from python, I get this error. {"error":"error parsing query: found %, expected identifier, string, number, bool at

WARN: Write to InfluxDB failed [[RequestTimedOutError]]

WARN: Write to InfluxDB failed (attempt: 1). Error: at S.<anonymous> (/Users/sathish/Documents/sample/raviAPI/node_modules/core-js/internals/wrap-error-c

Subtract two queries results

Cannot find per the docs, and there is an old issue related to this. It is possible to subtract the results of 2 queries? Something like this in SQL: (SELECT

How to set default retention policy and duration for InfluxDB via configuration

I am using the official InfluxDB docker image. I want to set the retention policy to be 14 days by default. There are various ENV variables that I can set to c

InfluxDBIOException: timeout

I'm using Influx Db java wrapper and adding data in influx db for every 5 seconds with a retention policy of 30 days. When I'm trying to query the data by send