Category "influxdb"

Python aioinflux `serialization.usertype.SchemaError: Can't have more than one timestamp-type attribute`, how to avoid it?

I have this dataclass with a lineprotocol schema like this: from datetime import date, datetime from aioinflux import lineprotocol, TIMEDT, TAG, FLOAT, MEASUREM

InfluxQL Continuous Query which deletes data

Is there a way to have a continuous query which deletes data, something like: CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY "some_name" ON "mydb" BEGIN delete from "some_measuremen

In Telegraf how to include only specific values of a tag

I am using a prometheus plugin in Telegraf to get the data from promitor and push it to InfluxDB. However, as per my requirement there is one tag named as "reso

Influxdb: Cannot sign in to user interface after upgrade

Just had an update to influxDB version 2.2 on a Raspi. After restarting all services, when I try to sign into the user interface via "http://localhost:8086", th

Send an alert notification from InfluxDb to Microsoft Teams

I am running an influxDb, on my server, and I created below: Notification Check Notification Endpoint (HTTP POST) Notification Rule All above are running succe

k6: connect test outputs to influxdb v2 from kubernetes pods

I'm using a Minikube setup for testing. On Minikube I have a App, the InfluxDB v2 and the k6 sample pods to test my App. Now I want to collect the test data in

Improve InfluxDB response time

I try to improve the respond-time of Grafana and InfluxDB. Hopefully someone can give me some support. My setup is: OS: Windows 10 Docker version 20.10.5 Docker

getting {"code":"unauthorized","message":"unauthorized access"} after using "query" http api for InfluxDB 2.0

I am trying to contact influxdb running on kubernetes. I am new on influxdb and I have just started using it. I used the query http API in the following way: cu

Grafana query to generate a cumulative sum from the same time every day

I need to present a Grafana time series graph starting at 05:00 every day. The time series graph needs to show a cumulative sum of 2 mass flow meters until 05:0

"error parsing query: found %, expected identifier, string, number, bool at line 1, char 7"}

When I try to parse this query in influxDB from python, I get this error. {"error":"error parsing query: found %, expected identifier, string, number, bool at

WARN: Write to InfluxDB failed [[RequestTimedOutError]]

WARN: Write to InfluxDB failed (attempt: 1). Error: at S.<anonymous> (/Users/sathish/Documents/sample/raviAPI/node_modules/core-js/internals/wrap-error-c

Subtract two queries results

Cannot find per the docs, and there is an old issue related to this. It is possible to subtract the results of 2 queries? Something like this in SQL: (SELECT

How to set default retention policy and duration for InfluxDB via configuration

I am using the official InfluxDB docker image. I want to set the retention policy to be 14 days by default. There are various ENV variables that I can set to c

InfluxDBIOException: timeout

I'm using Influx Db java wrapper and adding data in influx db for every 5 seconds with a retention policy of 30 days. When I'm trying to query the data by send