Category "inheritance"

AttributeError: 'super' object has no attribute 'word_weighting'

I have a super class FTM: class FTM: def __init__(self,word_weighting = 'normal'): self.word_weighting = word_weighting def get_sparse_glob

Python circular imports with inheritance

I have a parent and child class, where a parent's method returns an instance of the child. Both classes are in separate files and In order

I need to decrease a value of the property only from specific class objects

I have three classes and two of them inheriting from an Animal class, Carnivore class should have method to decrease health by 50 if I call the method on Herbiv

Treat Oracle subtype as supertype

I have a query that uses Oracle's MDSYS.ST_GEOMETRY type (link): select mdsys.st_point(1, 2, 26917) from dual Output: [MDSYS.ST_POINT] The query outp

Is it possible to inherit from class with Generic in Python?

Since Python 3.5 you can use Generics and other interesting stuff described in PEP-0484. I tried that and here's a code I have: from typing import TypeVar, Ge

Allowing two projects to inherit from the same bond

Using Microsoft Bond in a C# project. Suppose I had a Bond file A used in one project A', and wanted to have two projects B' and C' have Bond files B and C bot

How to call super method from grandchild class?

I am working with some code that has 3 levels of class inheritance. From the lowest level derived class, what is the syntax for calling a method 2 levels up th

Inherit class Worker on Odoo15

In one of my Odoo installation I need to setup the socket_timeout variable of WorkerHTTP class directly from Python code, bypassing the usage of environment var

Stack overflow error in java concerning inheritance

I am working on a project for my intro to java class and am working on inheritance. The problem is with the classes Mammal and Pet. When I run the driver clas

Gorm: Is it possible to define shared methods for common db operations (e.g get by id)?

Using go and gorm in a project. I have created a dao level to wrap the database operations, each table has its own dao type. Current code Get method from FirstD

Classes with property referencing other classes

I'm creating a library, and one part of it requires a structured model. Let's say we have sections, and each section can have subsections (categories). All of t

java constructor in class cannot be applied to given types

I have 2 subclasses: Staff, Student they belong to superclass Person. Here is the code(tasks) which is given by my teacher: public class Person { private

Initialize field before super constructor runs?

In Java, is there any way to initialize a field before the super constructor runs? Even the ugliest hacks I can come up with are rejected by the compiler: cla

Inheritance of a .Net interface in C#: How to access base members

Inheritance of a .Net interface: How to access to base properties I want to create my own category class inherited from Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Catego

Dynamically extending a class in javascript

How can we dynamically/programmatically extend a javascript class? More concretely, given something like class Polygon { constructor(area, sides) { thi

python3 inheritance tree among files

I have python3 files with multiple classes. I am wondering if there is a tool that can generate the inheritance tree among all the python scripts? I read about

python overriding a classmethod with an instance method

I came across a bug in my code where an overriding method was hidden because I'd forgotten the @classmethod decorator. I was wandering if it's possible to force

Trying to understand Abstract class inheritance and subclass object comparison

I'm working on a project for my data structures class and I've been having a hard time wrapping my head around Abstract class inheritance and how it can be mani

Inheritance of copy constructors in C++17

Consider the following example: struct Parent { Parent (); Parent (const Parent &); }; struct Child : public Parent { using Parent::Parent; }

The type 'Company.Model.User' and the type 'Company.Core.Model.User' both have the same simple name of 'User' and so cannot be used in the same model

I have a base entity class MyCompany.Core.Model.User which is to be used for common properties of a User entity: public class User { public string Username