I have a component that requires .NET 4.0 to run, how can my Inno Setup installer verify that it is installed, and if not, prompt the user to install it?
How do you get information (last modification timestamp, file size) about a file which is included in the installer? It's easy to reference a file on disk, by u
Let's say I've bought a certificate and signed my Inno Setup installer and the source files with it. Then the installer goes to users who might simply remove th
I have a Python project which has following directories and files: PythonProject -> configs -> appconfig.json -> logs -> app
My software is a .NET application. The original .exe compiled with Visual Studio works fine and Microsoft Defender has nothing to say about it or any of the dep
I wanted to use Inno Setup to remove old possible instances of a program. The program does not have to be installed in specific part of the system to run, but I
This code adds a picture to the licnese agreement wizard page, picLicense := TBitmapImage.Create(WizardForm.LicensePage); with picLicense
I'm using code from How do you execute command line tools without using batch file in Inno Setup response to execute all my batch files on installation (before,
In my project, I use Inno to run a .sql script to create a database. I use a custom page to write SQL Server instance name user and password to run the script.
I want to silent install MySQL 5.7 from Inno Setup so i have use this link, but this for MySQL 5.5 not for 5.7. I have MySQInstallerConsole form command prompt
I am using the following code to add a background image, function Page1_Create: TWizardPage; var Page1: TWizardPage; // Fonts // P
I would like to be able to structure my code for my Inno Setup project but I am forced to move code around because you can't call a function unless it is define
Based on this post, Change the entire font style of all dialogs How to change the font text of the entire installer in Graphical Installer? Wh
In there any way to play Windows native sounds using Inno Setup? For example I'm showing a custom message box, and I need to play Windows warning/info/error sou
I'm trying to create an installer for a Python script with Inno Setup. My goal is to have a single installer. With Inno Setup, I packed my Python script, an emb
Based on the answer in this link, Inno Setup how to change the font color or style of label on TInputFileWizardPage This is the code to change the font style, P
I know how to overwrite the files using this method [Files] Source: "Project\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; \ Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs onlyifdoesntexist;
I have a function for getting BIOS serial numbers in the code section that works in Delphi but it doesn't recognize the variable declarations. How do I get arou
I am trying to use a custom DLL in a Inno Setup script during installation. I wrote a very simple function that basically checks a connection string for a MySQL
I am trying to query the version details of a file that the installer installs and compare it against the version details of the same file present in the instal