Category "instagram"

Instagram Oauth2 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: authorizationGrantType cannot be null

I try to create Oath2 registration. But I get this error: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: authorizationGrantType cannot be null at org.spring

How to find handle of instagram account from user hash in downloaded data

Apologies in advance if this question is not appropriate for I am looking through my downloaded instagram data in JSON. Within the massive zip

Is anyone implemented layout camera feature like Instagram in Android?

I have already tried with single activity and multiple fragment which is added programmatically as per layout(2x2,2x3) same as instagram. But when i load camera

How to get sessionid instagram using javascript?

I want to extract instagran sessionid using document.cookies to showing up the cookie but the sessionid is not showing up, only this mid=YdIkCAALAAHf5L950uIGxAk

How to apply for sharing to Instagram story with link like Spotify

I am aware that this function is only available for certain partners like Spotify, Soundcloud etc. Does anyone know where can I apply to Facebook for access to

Add tag/label on top of images flutter with relative position

I am building an Instagram clone (specifically image tag feature). I am able to put tags on top of images the user uploads but when the screen size/orientation/

instabot ERROR, Why am I getting these errors and how to fix please?

I have written this to upload 10000 photos to Instagram, one each hour and whenever I run it I get these errors INFO - Instabot version: 0.117.0 Started INFO -

instapy doesn't login into account

I'm trying to use instapy but I keep getting this error INFO [2021-08-02 19:24:14] [] -- Connection Checklist [1/2] (Internet Connection Status) INFO [2021-08-

Failed to get access token from Instagram in jQuery

Here is Postman request and response I'm trying to get code first from this URL:"My ClientID"&redirect

Android Instagram login integration

I'm trying to perform social login via Instagram without Graph API and read all the necessary stuff related to it from the Instagram documentation and StackOver

Video upload with Instagram API now allowed?

According to the Instagram documentation, Instagram only allows API uploads for images (JPG, PNG). A new iPhone app called Cinamatic allows users to upload vi

Opening Instagram app from a link on iOS

I am providing a feed which is consumed by both desktop and mobile apps which contains links to images, users, and tags on Instagram. When these links are click