So I have an Angular Universal SSR app which runs with node. The latest Angular and Universal versions as of 21/01/2021. My hosting company allows me to run nod
On the localhost module, lazy loading is working fine, showing meta tags and HTML content in <app-root><app-root/> in the view page source, but it i
ERROR TypeError: spanEl.getBoundingClientRect is not a function at _guessBsVersion (C:\Users\sagar h\Desktop\MYRIDZ\falcon-mobikes-website\dist\server\main.
I'm trying to deploy an Angular Universal App in Azure web app service (Linux webapp) using azure devops pipeline and build/release pipeline are successfully co
I enabled angular universal on my project . I would like to remove it completely now. I tried to remove the following files /server.ts /webpack.server.config.
I need to get the full base URL (e.g. http://localhost:5000 or of my Angular 2 app so that I can pass it along to a 3rd party serv
All tutorials with adding svg to a component in AngularCli that I found recommend to insert it in html template, something like this: <div> <svg vi
I am trying to run a lighthouse performance audit on an Angular SSR yet it returns an empty page. No error messages or anything. However, if I run it on https:/
While trying to add SSR to an existing Angular/Ionic App, following the Ionic SSR guide, i get the following error TypeError: head.querySelector is not a funct
Simply put, I implemented a HttpInterceptor in Angular under Universal/SSR mode and did the registration, but none of the requests hit this interceptor. First,
I've set up an Angular 8 Project with Angular Universal. To prevent duplicate HTTP Calls, Angular offers TransferHttpCacheModule. I followed the official Docum