Category "intellij-idea"

IntelliJ IDEA tells me "Error:java: Compilation failed: internal java compiler error idea"

When I compile a Java project using IntelliJ IDEA, it gives me the following output (and error): Information:Eclipse compiler 4.6.2 was used to compile java so

How to disable Maven auto import automatically in IntelliJ IDEA?

I believe this setting might be causing IntelliJ IDEA to behave slowly. I used to get a popup and finally clicked 'do this automatically', and now it is on, but

Java project folder structure in IntelliJ IDEA

What is an acceptable folder structure for Java projects in IntelliJ IDEA? Multiple sources (like this) suggest the following structure: . │ .idea &

IntelliJ shows method parameter hints on usage - How to disable it

I am new to IntelliJ and recently updated to IntelliJ-2016.3. In the editor for Java code, it shows the method signature upon usage. How do I disable this featu

Multi-line block select using the keyboard in IntelliJ IDEA on a Mac OS X

I've recently switched from Eclipse to IntelliJ IDEA 13. I use the VI keybindings. One non-vi thing I am used to doing in Eclipse is using Shift + ↑ / Sh

Trying ES6 style import gives 'Cannot use import statement outside a module'

I am trying to write a javascript test in intellij for which I need to import some dependancies and I want to use ES6 style import statements but getting error

How to switch existing Intellij IDEA projects from SVN to Git SVN

I currently have existing Intellij IDEA projects that are tied to the SVN repository. I'm thinking of switching these projects to use Git SVN because I find the

Is there a way to sync settings across JetBrains IDEs?

What is the best way to sync similar settings across JetBrains IDEs? For example I have PyCharm and PhpStorm, both of which support CSS and HTML, and I would li

IntelliJ does not show project folders

I have an issue with IntelliJ. It doesn't show any folders in my project view on the left. My setting is "View As: Project" How can I manage it so that the fol

How can I enter a literal <TAB> character in IntelliJ/IDEA/PyCharm?

My configuration indents with four spaces, and I want to keep that. Occasionally (e.g. in a Makefile) I want to input a literal TAB character. How can I force

How to Save PyCharm Embedded Terminal Tabs?

Is there a way to save the Embedded Tabs so each time you open PyCharm you don't have to reconfigure the tab names? It seems like such a simple issue to have bu

Can not open project with IntelliJ IDEA

I have a project that was already working with IntelliJ IDEA but now,when I want to open it with IntelliJ IDEA, I am facing this error message:"Contains no Inte

“Unregistered Git root detected” because parent directory of project is versioned by Git

I set up a PyCharm project /parent/project, that is managed by Mercurial at /parent/project/.hg. Independently of this project, /parent is managed by Git at /pa

How to fix "plugin was not found in any of the following sources"

I created a Spring MVC project ion Intellij IDEA. When I build my project, following message is displayed, how can I resolve it? Plugin [id: 'org.springframewor

SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain

I have upgraded my Inteliij IDEA 2019.2 recently and I am getting below error, if I try to pull from my IDE Git Pull Failed: unable to access 'https://github.xx

Error when trying to update IntelliJ IDEA

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1.1.1 and I'm trying to update to 2021.1.1.3 (last available so far). I'm trying by Help > Check for Updates > Update > Up

IntelliJ Scala so slow on fast CPU with 32GB ram

I am using IntelliJ 2019.1.3 Community Edition. In Scala compile server, JVM maximum heap size: 4096 my idea.vmoptions: -Xms4096m -Xmx6144m -XX:ReservedCodeCac