Category "intellij-idea"

IntelliJ not picking up environment variables when using ZSH?

I am using oh-my-zsh for my terminal. I have set IntelliJ to use /bin/zsh as the shell path. However no environment variable in my .zshrc file ever seems to ge

Intellij code style setting for wrapping on multi line function arguments

The Spark code style requires four character indentation for multi parameter methods. So: the following code -as presently formatted by IJ - is incorrect: def

how to solve the warning Unrecognised tag: 'snapshotPolicy'?

When maven build there is a warning: [WARNING] Unrecognised tag: 'snapshotPolicy' (position: START_TAG seen ...</url>\n <snapshotPolicy>..

JetBrains IntelliJ Error launching Intellij Platform - Error invoking main method

I have IntelliJ IDEA and other JetBrains products installed and they worked great (PyCharm, Android Studio, Clion, WebStorm) till today, now I just get opening

JDWP exit error AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197): No transports initialized [../../../src/share/back/debugInit.c:690]

I have been trying to run with JRebel this configuration: Here is my output: c:\JBOSS\jboss-portal-2.7.2\bin\run.bat -c default c:\JBOSS\jboss-portal-2.7

XSD to XML Converter

I am trying to convert an XSD file into its corresponding XML document. Using IntelliJ's built-in tool makes this easy but something is wrong. It seems to be

IntelliJ replace variable names in multiple lines

I am wondering is there a shortcut that can replace a variable name with a new name on multiple lines in the current Java file for IntelliJ. Is it just simply d

IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1 does not stop on breakpoints

I have an old Gradle project that I've opened recently using the new IDEA 2017 and I have just noticed it will not stop on breakpoints anymore (these are active

Error when run jar Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError scala.Predef$.$conforms()Lscala/Predef$$less$colon$less;

I work on spark application using (spark 2.0.0 & scala 2.11.8) and the application works fine within intellij Idea environment. I've extracted application a

intellij incorrectly saying no beans of type found for autowired repository

I have created a simple unit test but IntelliJ is incorrectly highlighting it red. marking it as an error No beans? As you can see below it passes the test?

Creating a new thymeleaf template in IntelliJ

I am using IntelliJ to make an app that uses thymeleaf but when I click to create a new file there is no option for thymeleaf. I know thymeleaf files are just h

Running IntelliJ in WSL2 - how to make keyboard shortcut ctrl+alt+arrows work

My environment: Windows 11 22000.493 -> Host OS WSL Ubuntu: 20.04.3 LTS -> Guest OS IntelliJ: Build #IC-213.6777.52, built on January 28, 2022 -

IntelliJ IDEA tells me "Error:java: Compilation failed: internal java compiler error idea"

When I compile a Java project using IntelliJ IDEA, it gives me the following output (and error): Information:Eclipse compiler 4.6.2 was used to compile java so

How to disable Maven auto import automatically in IntelliJ IDEA?

I believe this setting might be causing IntelliJ IDEA to behave slowly. I used to get a popup and finally clicked 'do this automatically', and now it is on, but

Java project folder structure in IntelliJ IDEA

What is an acceptable folder structure for Java projects in IntelliJ IDEA? Multiple sources (like this) suggest the following structure: . │ .idea &

IntelliJ shows method parameter hints on usage - How to disable it

I am new to IntelliJ and recently updated to IntelliJ-2016.3. In the editor for Java code, it shows the method signature upon usage. How do I disable this featu

Multi-line block select using the keyboard in IntelliJ IDEA on a Mac OS X

I've recently switched from Eclipse to IntelliJ IDEA 13. I use the VI keybindings. One non-vi thing I am used to doing in Eclipse is using Shift + ↑ / Sh

Trying ES6 style import gives 'Cannot use import statement outside a module'

I am trying to write a javascript test in intellij for which I need to import some dependancies and I want to use ES6 style import statements but getting error

How to switch existing Intellij IDEA projects from SVN to Git SVN

I currently have existing Intellij IDEA projects that are tied to the SVN repository. I'm thinking of switching these projects to use Git SVN because I find the

Is there a way to sync settings across JetBrains IDEs?

What is the best way to sync similar settings across JetBrains IDEs? For example I have PyCharm and PhpStorm, both of which support CSS and HTML, and I would li