Category "internationalization"

react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next warning thrown in Jest unit test

I am using react-i18next in my app to great effect but when I run the unit tests against my component: const OptionList = ({ definition, name, status = EM

Angular i18n : How to make language change using URL routing /Switcher Buttons?

I am building a simple app to learn internationalisation using Angular 11. The tutorial I am following is: I followed th

Which one should be used in React, l10n or i18n?

I have a webpage in React and I wanted to use l10n (localization) but only find information about i18n (internationalization), so I don't know if l10n exists fo

How to translate standard buttons in Qt?

I have a problem with translate standard buttons in QMessageBox. If I check the language, the buttons are translated very well, but if I don't check the languag

i18next/i18n Change Language not working with the whole website

I'm doing a react-typescript app where I need to be able to translate the site. I'm using the i18next library. In the main page the user can change the language

Automatic compare check in Angular i18n json files [closed]

I have 2 files en.json and xx.json with translations in Angular application. Common idea is to create translation in both files for multilangu

Flutter: Application's locale is not supported by all of its localization delegates

Hello I am trying add BottomNavigationBar in flutter app but when i run project error occures : A MaterialLocalizations delegate that supports the ka_GE locale

Flutter internationalization - Dynamic strings

I'm translating my app to spanish using the intl package. locales.dart class AppLocale { ... String get folder => Intl.message("Folder", name: 'folder'

Why is Flutter not generating the internationalization files?

I'm trying to follow the internationalization documentation in

Ngx-translate not translating anything

I am in the process of internationalizing my current Angular 12 prototype application. Prototype means there is only the skeleton and a bunch of administrative

Angular i18n $localize - template literal with expressions

I am having so much trouble getting this syntax to translate - Angular 13.0.02 . My two resources are:$localize https://lo

Angular i18n $localize - template literal with expressions

I am having so much trouble getting this syntax to translate - Angular 13.0.02 . My two resources are:$localize https://lo

I18n::InvalidLocale: :en is not a valid locale

I am trying to use I18n.transliterate to "normalize" some text with accented characters so I can analyze and compare it with different languages. However, when

Not allow Korean character(Hangul) for input text

I want to allow typing Latin Characters but I don't want user can type Korean Hangul characters. Please help me answer. Thank you in advance.

Javascript .toLocaleString() returns wrong month?

I’m at a loss here. I need to display a JavaScript date in my locale, but the displayed locale string is off by 1 month in the future. <!DOCTYPE html&

ugettext and ugettext_lazy functions not recognized by makemessages in Python Django

I'm working with Django 1.5.1 and I'm experiencing some "strange behaviour" with translations. I'm using ugettext and ugettext_lazy in the same Python file. If

should changes of translations in django rosetta propagate automatically to frontend?

When I make or alter translations in Rosetta in Django backend, the po and mo files get updated. However, I don't see them directly show up in the frontend. T