Category "hadoop"

AWS EMR EMRFS Kerberos login on policy refresh

I installed Kerberos on a ec2 server and on a second ec2 server I installed Apache Ranger (with Kerberos auth added in core-site file,

DistCP - Even simple copies result in CRC Exceptions

I'm running into an issue using distcp to copy files - every copy fails with an IO Exception (Checksum mismatch), even if performing a simple copy within the cl

HDFS Date partition directory loop

I have a HDFS Directory as below. /user/staging/app_name/2022_05_06 Under such a directory I have around 1000 part files. I want to loop each of the part file

Is there any way to read multiple parquet paths from s3 in parallel using spark?

My data is stored in s3 (parquet format) under different paths and I'm using*) in order to read all the paths into one dataframe. Un

When writing parquet files to s3 NoSuchMethodError :void org.apache.hadoop.util.SemaphoredDelegatingExecutor

When I try to write the dataframe to s3 as parquet, I always get an error like below. In the s3 bucket, an empty folder is generated automatically every time, b

Databricks local test fail with java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:

I have a unit test to databricks code, and I want to run it locally on windows. Unluckily when I run pytest with PyCharm, it throws the following exception: Exc

Dataproc secondary workers not used

I've got a Dataproc cluster going on configured this way: { "worker_config": { "num_instances": 20 }, "secondary_worker_config": { "

Hadoop Streaming Job showing error /bin/java : No such file or directory

I have installed Hadoop in my Macbook M1 2020 with MacOS Monterey 12.3.1. I am able to successfully use hadoop and hdfs commands in my Laptop. I started using h

HBase Shell - org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.ServerNotRunningYetException: Server is not running yet

I am trying to set up distributed HBase on 3 nodes. I have already set up hadoop, YARN ZooKeeper and now HBase but when I launch hbase shell and run the simples

Spark: unable to load native-hadoop library for platform

I am trying to start with Spark. I have Hadoop (3.3.1) and Spark (3.2.2) in my library. I have set the SPARK_HOME, PATH, HADOOP_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to thei

CredentialProviderFactory - conf.getPassword from jceks file breaks if the password contains a $

I am trying to extract the password from jceks file in hdfs. import val conf = new org.apache.hadoo

Import MongoDB data into Hive Error: Splitter implementation is incompatible

I'm trying to import mongodb data into hive. The jar versions that i have used are ADD JAR /root/HDL/mongo-java-driver-3.4.2.jar; ADD JAR /root/HDL/mongo-hado

Alias yarn to yarnpkg to avoid conflict with Hadoop Yarn

I have Yarn (package manager) already installed on my machine, but I now have to install Apache Hadoop. When I tried doing that with brew install hadoop, I got

HBase data export to S3

I am trying to export HBase table(size-23TB) data to S3. So while using HBase export and passing S3 credentials via jceks path Command : hbase org.apache.hadoop

HIVE CBO. Wrong results with Hive SQL query with MULTIPLE IN conditions in where clause

I am running one SQL query in Hive and it gives different results with CBO enabled and disabled. The results are wrong when CBO is enabled (set hive.cbo.enable=

Why spark is 100 times faster than Hadoop Map Reduce

Why spark is faster than Hadoop MapReduce?. As per my understanding if spark is faster due to in-memory processing then Hadoop is also load data into RAM then i

Error while trying to create external table in hive

I am trying to create an external table using hive with hadoop but somehow it failed. These are the error I get when I try to run my queries. 02:23:29.516 [Hive

MapReduce Job Failed on MultiNode

I'm new to Hadoop. I have to use 'MapReduce' with WordCount. I am getting some errors. I am running a 50Gb 'MapReduce' job on a single server (8GB, 8 core). It

Error while installing Spark on Google Colab

I am getting error while installing spark on Google Colab. It says tar: spark-2.2.1-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz: Cannot open: No such file or directory tar: Error

Hive - double precision

I have been working on hive and found something peculiar. Basically, while using double as a datatype for your column we need not have any precision specified (