Category "ios"

Xcode 12 SwiftUI cannot find Automatic Preview

I am working on an app in SwiftUI in Xcode 12.2. I have accidentally deleted the Automatic Preview Tab. I cannot seem to find the option to bring it back. Here

error: 'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not found when flutter run on iOS

I don't know why but I can't build or run the App in my new Macbook, I run the same folder on another Mac or my windows computer and runs perfectly. here when I

How to set kate voice for ios en-GB. in flutter - flutter_tts pub

How to set kate voice for ios en-GB. I m doing the below code but it's doing Daniel's voice and I want to set kete voice for the same. Future setLanguage({Strin

Flutter -ios - pod install gRPC-C++ sed ssl issue

I have been running through this issue when I do pod install in my flutter project. (I'm going to answer this myself as I reached the solution after couple of h

How to deactivate the WatchConnectivity session?

I am using Apple's WatchConnectivity framework to develop an iOS app with a companion WatchOS app. On iOS side, after I open the app, I need to manually activat

Black screen when using ARGeoTrackingConfiguration on iOS 15.4?

I am trying to run this sample project from Apple that uses ARGeoTrackingConfiguration:

Can't show image from url in swiftUI with URLSession [duplicate]

i'm new to swiftUI and trying to create simple app for showing images from API of images i got the images from url but can't show it in Imagev

How to fix ios notch issues using ionic 5 and capacitor 3?

I tried this one, but it doesn't work. AddedAdded meta tag in the index.html tried this CSS property but does not work @supports (padding: max(16px)) { body {

Error installing OpenSSL-Apple Cocoapod. Build fails

I am trying to install OpenSSL-Apple Cocoapod as a dependency on a project but the build fails like so [!] /bin/bash -c set -e ./ --version="1.1.

ARCHS[@]: unbound variable in Xcode 12

Our iOS project is built successfully in Xcode 11. However, on Xcode 12, it shows an error like this: PhaseScriptExecution [CP]\ Embed\ Pods\ Frameworks /Users/

Get path of a PHAsset coming from CameraRoll iOS with react native

I'm building a video app uploader using react-native. I encounter a problem with file management from cameraroll. I have video inside my camera roll that i want

SwiftUI - NavigationView title and back button clipped under status bar after orientation change

Whenever I rotate the device to landscape and back again, the top of the NavigationView (including the title and back button) get clipped under the status bar.

CoreData + CloudKit Data Inconsistency after Network Failure

My app uses CoreData + CloudKit mirroring to synchronize data e.g. on an iPhone and a watch. If data is modified on one device, the modification is uploaded to

Sign in with Apple implementation with Angular

I am trying to implement Sign in with Apple in Angular website. The flow of implementation starts with adding in the index.html file. Then created a service ca

Core Haptics not playing in iOS 15 with certain AVAudioSession configurations

I'm using Core Haptics to play a custom "heart beat" pattern, while simultaneously playing music using AVAudioPlayer. Specifically, I'm creating a simple CHHapt

zsh: permission denied: /Users/macbookpro/.zshrc

I'm new in flutter I want to set flutter sdk path in Mac OS (VS code) for this I'm fallow the

Apple App store Reject App Submission with Deprecated API Usage error apps that use UIWebView are no longer accepted. Instead, use WKWebView

Apple Reject by distribution submission width ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - New apps that use UIWebView are no longer accepted. Instead, use WKWebView Spec

When exactly is drawInMTKView called?

MetalKit calls drawInMTKView when it wants a your delegate to draw a new frame, but I wonder if it waits for the last drawable to have been presented before it

RuntimeError - Unable to find subscription with identifier: when ios app try to send a message

I am using WebSocket for comments on a post. ios user subscribe to the comment_channel and I got confirmation that the user successfully subscribed to comment_c

why google_ml_kit flutter library [Google ML kit vision] took large size while taking flutter ios / android build?

I'm just using it for text detection only. below code added in manifest file ,but no changes in the build right now ,still it takes too much size. How to solv